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1 ..,., I If, n ,-' V. .;• .. li-;- ~t I: ■ ~•>;-. :M M...-X ~-;. ,i;,i-t « ><■>...•=•■ >: , ,i:.r. ..■ .... '■■■» I l.y.ii.p'.. iih J>.> (-.„■ .it, iW- i-'.m- f ....1. ,';\>iV .',.,.1 ;;;■,:•! i., it... -■ in.ii i,ivi; t'.iiifi- r-i;. ■'!•■ \V M ! ; . ('..-■ N" .-. ii -.> ' -i, ~r..|<.'Hi":i"! :■.•:■ --'11. ...rst.iin C'HIHMUy (II 11.l Ii I U.U.I >. ■ Swaiwin, I'niMiiu. TolUl p.A. If■••;•!. A'-uik'm, Tit 171 F. M. lt;i:knni| Mi'/t >a. Tl 10i J M-TV.Mcil, >. S.S. T'.'ul.s, Tni'ii;..'. Til 1 ') r.irtbnliir? o f Analysis pr>«ted on rci|U--.-i. SEND YOUR STOCK \ ;., ',V<-'i!ii:K''.:i Kx-.-rt C<> I l.t I. f,.r l-ivt/i'.-.n. 1-..1 SV'V. I I ;,!.,!., ..!!•) f.llll.- |!1..>..' ! l',utirul.,i :is 1 i i-Viw» :n >\ 1.-r I win..:.!.-.! from Wellington Meat Export Co., Ltd. || WELLINGTON. |g We have a jftk MOTORISTS <UIIIHUSSIF GOGGLES "I^^P^ Ail prices. ft'e test the refraction of the eyes by ecientific methods. Result* guaranteed and prices reasonable. J. S.~TINGEY GOOD NEWS GOOD NEWS \ _ Just Arrived at HARFORD and SONS' FIKST CONSIGNMENT I<J -° WALLPAPERS rUIIESK Papers Jiavc been specially 1 selected for ' the Feilding district, * and are the first of 'our consignments expected during the next fi'W w.-eks. - Inspection invited. \yiF These papers More on the. waVr before the late abnormal risfc in Wallpapers. Many orders have been 4-aiu-t-lk-J. but »■<■' »'•« >'tunate in ecturing a &>od rung© tv choose from. Call and sec for yourselves at UARFORD & SONS THE 11KD HOUSE I Records I J end pUf* tb«« I [ perfectly. O I without extra I •tlechtncnt I Ask your local "Souotm* ■ Agrnt to Jet jr«» hear tW» I hi per tor machine. I \ sew ri» booxlto to Jμ % >y J F.J. PINNY, ltd. L 89 Willis Street, ©^ 0. A. FAIRWEATHER, FtildineDistrict Agent: Could not Sleep for Pain WAiV'iYS WONDER-WOOL ACTS LIKE A CHARM. How oft'-ii have you passed a eleeplea flight in pain P jwrbaps from the agonisinj pains of Rbciunntisin and Sciatica, or thj ►cute pitiiiH c>f ToothiMjhe, Earache, Nen raljjia, Nvuritiu, eto. Wawn'e "Wonder Wool Stops Pein, and induces refroshini eleßp. Mr. W. OunAings, of Cut Rock Road, Lisarow, Hays: —"It is with pleasure J write to tell of tho groat relief I got from usint; your Wonder-WooL I hare been i chronic sufferer from B&enm&tiem in th( hip and kuoe for the last five years, th< paiua from which are excruciating, co inuol so, that I was very often unable to sleep unti I used your Wonder-Wool, which eimplj acts like a charm, immediately curing th« pain, and enabling mo to get my full night'i rest." Wawn'e Wonder-Wool ia a inecli. cttod cotton wool that generates heat, stimulates circulation, dispels blood con , geetiun and Stops Pain. Always keep ii in the home—you never know when pair will come.. JPrice, 2/6 a packet, of al Chemists and Stores, or direct from V. A Wawn, Mauufactuiing Chemist, 186 Georg* Street, Sydney, N.S.W. J Ii stop that 'wait* ii,'V ■■",'.x.> • ,-ii:ivco'.i4h •1: ■ ' !•.■'■ ■ ~ ■ li:''daily /i» /
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 12 February 1920, Page 4
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468Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 12 February 1920, Page 4
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Copyright undetermined – untraced rights owner. For advice on reproduction of material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 12 February 1920, Page 4
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Copyright undetermined – untraced rights owner. For advice on reproduction of material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.