lnveaaiiiiU, t-'eh. 11. As a. result, oi negotiations which haw been proceeding tor some time in tlie Nightcaps, Wairio and Olini tii'- »o-.slow policy has hcon and mirk ha* started iv full ,suinu on Monday morning. It is mtder.-tood that the nion secured a v.-rv swbsiantial uurease in wages, and, as a ivsnli, tlie price of coal to the piiblii' has hen increased l>y 3s 4d per ton.
Waiinunui, Feb. 11. A double drowning latality r.*cuvrod a! tlie Ijiokuuoitu landuig, 30 miles up tlio liivur. to-day, the viet I.em« iiie.hard iNeal, a-red is, iitid lvuid Uavly, ayed 10, -.Cunsi- mother resides \n it is understood the girl, whose was .-peiuliiiu her lioiklays on her uncle's larin, not. into dlilie'iiHies while bathiii.' "and Neal endeavoured U\ save li,-r'. The bodies huve not beon reeovi're<l.
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Bibliographic details
Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 12 February 1920, Page 4
Word Count
Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 12 February 1920, Page 4
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