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SECOND WEEK SPECIALS DURING the last ten days people throughout tho district have Hocked k> our SALE to participate in the generous bargains offered. Ours lias been a most successful sale, and this week we have a big number oi real bargains to piok from. Remember! we can't Ijst them all here, but we want you to coiiio in and have a walk around. 1. A HEAL SNIP.—3S yards only coloured Voile. 10 inches wide. Usual price 3s (id. Second Week Sale Price Is Gd. •2. MODELS—Second Week Prices. .") only Trimmed Models, the balance of the Season's Stock. Usual prices 45s to 0-">s. Second Week Specials lf>s each. a. 50 YARDS ONLY. oUineh NAVY SERGE. Something good lor hard wear. Splendid for school wear. Usual pneo ,8s lid yard. Second Week Sale Price Is (id a yard. I. READY-TO.WEARS.-A nice lot of stylish hats, from 10s 6d each, and ' UNTRIMMED STRAWS. Cheap enough to burn. Special Second Week Offer, 'Js Gd each. .1. ANOTHER SNIP -7f- yards British Fuji, shades Helio, Light Giwn. an<l Lemon. Usual price 2s lid. Special Second Week Price Is lid yard. f>. A TUSSORE GIFT. -7<l yard- 31 inch Tussore Siik. A really tine Silk. Usual Trice }•-» nd a yard. Second Week Price Ms Ivl a yard. 7 NK.HTOKICSSES. at Cut Price;. A specially >;ood line Ht Ladic' 1..C. Nitvh mm ined Lace and ln».-rliou. U»u;d ['lice His Kd each. Second Wo*'l. Cut Piic X- 1 Id cacii. 8 LADIES' .JAPANESE < ULOKEO DRESSING GOWNS, in nil <. i oiu>. Sccnd Week Sale. I'ri'v ;>s lid cadi. !i. LADIES , YEILIN(;S, 4» eleur at Ckl and 'Al yaid Sale RF.MKMHER! We want to see y."i o.uly and ol'teii dull!!;.; the week. I s -, YOl'R chance to --am> ineney diuiiiOl U MONEY SWING I.E.
raiiEß. THOMSONS FEILDING. NEXT P.O. Where the Bargains Arc. HOIUN lU>rD I • UAKKH A.N.Z.I.i>. M.8.1.A.!. HOOB AND BAKER Architects Mnnchtwtor ijquare FKILDING - MEDICAL. DR. R. (V HOHERTs, M.K.C.S. sEnjvi. L.R.C.P. (L.uid.i, USe iL-<in«i.t. of Kiuibiillou. bus -taii'il PiactiMii- at KIMHOLTON, P.ANGIW.MIIA. and APITI. Wm fi I*l f 1 r<£agß&Mimn
OROIJA ALTOS LTD. (Late Stacey and Co.) KIMBOLTON ROAD, FEILDING GREATEK IMPHOVE.MENTS than ever are effected on the LATEST MODEL DODGE BROS. , CARS ['ail and inspect winie, then you will rr> for .vourwslf that NO BETTER /AHJK is contained in any other Make of Car. REPAIRS Having reorganised our Staff, we unlertakf* to jiivt' COMPLETE .SATIS FACTION tv the Motoring Public. Klectrio Htaiting and Lighting Systeiiih ft Speciality. t<. H. SUMNER, Manager. MofoßliTS" - YOUR BATTERY equipment is an important part of yutir Cur, antl it requires export attention to keep th« Klcctrical System in fittitclass order. We l iave added a BATTERY REPAIR .STATION tj our business, and the work in in charge of an experienced and qualiiied Electrician. Send your work to us and ue will promise to give you Katisfa-ctiort.
mUHKti VULCANIZING i ACCESSORIES CO. I/" Manchester Street. FEILDINti. Try the F.V.A.C. for Good Work. (..LOVES AT SAM", PRICES. "VTA'miAL DUESKIN CLOVES m i.\ our Fancy Department. All sizes. Both (lauiMlet and i , -but ton. Well worth 146 paii. Sale price 811 pair. At McGHUEIt. THOMSONS SALK^ At McOnrEK. THOMSON'S SALE. 4 FEU' Leather Tiaiellmg Strap,, (% with handle.-. Meal good value. Sale price, l.'G eaeli. MOTOKISTS.- For Radiator liepau's. Mudguards. Tanks. Lamps, etc., consult .1. ("oker. 7 lleietaunga street. Pahneisioii North 20 ycai'n' London experience. T>OYS' SUITS, G/G. lie in time and secure «>)ie at the FEILDINO f'f-OTHINO COMPANY. QCIENTIFK , Cliaiacter Hradnig by if turn legisiered mail The essence of all knowledge i>. self knowledge. Send birth, date, month, yeai. ajid postal note s'-, u> T. J. Dllll--stoue, Uux 1-118, Auckland. ]* ADIES , HOSIERY, Spoils Coats. _J and Costumo.s. Choice Selec tio'i at Lowest Prices. FEILDIXG CLOTHING COMI'ANT HUE in Girls' and Ladies'. fro;n 4 Q J. At SIENCE and SPENCE'S. *
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 12 February 1920, Page 2
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637Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 12 February 1920, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 12 February 1920, Page 2
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Copyright undetermined – untraced rights owner. For advice on reproduction of material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.