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Close on ■ 10,000 people, visited tlu> soekburn aerodrome on fiaturdny atlernoon to witness tho flying displays and passenger flights. The weather was perfect. An extraordinary hict about the crowd was their immense confidence in the machines and their pilots, From early afternoon die rush to ItOOk pa.sseuger flights was so -reat that the pros]>«:tive passengers. eat-h with his ticket ready, were standing over 40 deep for a long t>lllo. Two of the new Avro aeroplanes were 111 ■(■ommis-sion. piloted by Captain Ewen Dickson and Mr J. V. Mfrcer. Tuu passeiiKOr? went up vu etidi iifteii tlio machines were in the air to-
neth.>r. Tho rusli for {.ttiinea t!ru!i<> nils so heavy that the *daff luul t" -top the issue of longer tlip;Kt£, as it was soon apparent that it niiyht he Tni[iossil.!f to handle tiie whole "of the Ira I tic in une afternoon, Nevertheless there were dozens content to book •flights in the knowledge that thov cmikl take them out at any other time. The success of tlie flying was immediately assured, and the confidence of the'public was well placed, as trip after frin was made without tlir hitch, and passengers came down nio«t eiithusiastie about their iii'w experiences. The afternoon's c.\ofrienee argued well for tiie success of Captain Dicksmi's tour south as fains Invercargill.
T<>-d.'tv is the ti'Mh anniversary ol (he first discovery of bold in N.S.W. The Toronto Presbytery refused to allow one oi it.s minister*, to engage in legal work 111 his spare time. Taxi aide-cars ure plying wi the streets at I'aris at a whilUng a mile. (Jre.-tt niuubcrs of side-ears have been bought by the French public from tin. , . American arriiv. Mails tor Australian States per Manuka close at 8.4") a.m. Monday next. Cnrdiif .scliooHxtyn are to be taught boxing out of school hours. Lord Essex was lined 10s at Merelord Polite Court' for Jailing to pr<». Uuee his license when driviug a motor car. At tiie ihuuievirke Skuw this week Mr James Knighf.s Southdowiis .seciiied the Ure tilers' Assuciatlon's medal, i«u ehaiiipion.'liipif, eight lirst j>ri/.es, and lour prizes.
"1 1 ought to let sleeping doga lie," said a member of the Oroiia Cuiinty Council yesterday in referring It.' ati overlooked' matter. And a rival
'•11 the other sKle ol the table growl ed: "Let .sleeping dogs hark!"
A (.'bcl>,<;'Ji (England) patient lias just died in Hunwell Asylum, where lie had been for 11 years. His maintenance had cost tlie. guaidians. over J- , 1,200.
Hilda Home, a domestic .servant, o! drank chloride o| mercury with fatal results on hearthat hoc" lover had died on his way to New .'/.enland. She was to have sailed herself for New Zealand this month.
Live stock in Soviet Hussia is fetching fabulous prices. A cow. for instance, costs -10.000 to (50,01 X) rouble* (£M,<KK> t<. i'o'.OCK) at the pre-war rate ol exelmng*) and a horse as much or more.
SucfOf<»tul tests are reported to have been made at Dayton (H.S.A.) with a reversible aeroplane propeller by means of which aeroplanes can land and b<; stopped within 50ft.
(Jenera! Drake, Chief of the T7nit<'<} States Army Motor Transport Corps, predicts that England in a few years is destined to become a nation without railways, or with railways supplementing a highly-developed system of motor transDortation.
The British Government, in order, to help meet the housing problem-, proposes to pay, for one year, a bonne to each builder who provides a (iompk'ted house. The will vary according to the .size of the bouse and tlie character of its construction. A maximum of .€l5O per house, is proposed.
The Cautorbtiiy Education Board, at its last meeting, received the legal opinion of its. .solicitor thai if a person was a householder in two school districts, lie n|- she could sit on tin? committees in holh districts, and that a parent or guardian could sit 011 the committee of the school which his or her child attended, whether the parent or guardian Ined in the district or not. .The- hoard discussed the position atl'ome length, anil made a recommendation 1o tin . Minister of Education that no householder should he allowed to exercise two votes iv the election of school committee*, or sit on two committees.
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 12 February 1920, Page 2
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708THE FLYING INDUSTRY. Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 12 February 1920, Page 2
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Copyright undetermined – untraced rights owner. For advice on reproduction of material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
THE FLYING INDUSTRY. Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 12 February 1920, Page 2
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Copyright undetermined – untraced rights owner. For advice on reproduction of material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.