\By Electric Telegraph.—Copyright.) (Aus.-N.Z. Cable Association.)
Owing to there lioing no compromise in tlio attitude t>l - tin. 1 marine engineers, the Uoverjimeiit lias i.-siied a drastic proclamation forbidding out-* sale support, The shipowners intend to make application to (lie Arbitration Court to deregister the Engineers' institute. THE FLU. .Sydney, Feb. 10. The influenza onlbreak on Thursday Island is serious. The Cioveinment !ias been requested to send doctors, orderlies and drug;-. EMJLANO V. VK/TOIUA. .Melh>.mne, Feb. Id. At triim- Lowe defeated Han k> , in-s, (.;-.;{. The :..,■,.,es oi the British lilt's anjl Victoria al present are i'i|ii;il- ! no nililier.-, ,-ix sets, sevenlyoiif panics. THE SHII'IMN(; HOLD-IT. Sydney, Feb. W. 'I hi , .shipping strike ileadlwk c"iiimiie--. .Many masters and oflicer? have been paid oil' and the ships laid up. liiirne, I'luiips and Company ;uiiii>iiin>e that s>l far no olfer has heonrcceivvd from (lie engineers to pur-eha.-e Hi.- island fleet, but the c»l!l----p.niy prepared to <'.ui--id>M' it when it is made. Tin' , e"ii'p:)t;v has pnrr'iase.l ;i .•,nm-|<.n steamer. i-egi-tep-.] and manned in Eni'kmd. for tin , Kflsforn trade. STRI X E-R I' IN EI) ENTER PRI S F.. S\dlley, Feb. 10. The management ..( the .\.un.> Oil llldll.-tiy has announced Ml!*! a.- ;■ ie-.i[ll i.t llie millers .-irikiii'.; thirteen we, k>, ;ij;u the mdu'-tiy i>. <-i ipnh' I :m<i as fheri' are no <.f the men returning t tiey me- , eb'.-e d.iitn. S.-. far the linn.t> have }>■■<-.', f.N./MMt 111 U:i_'fs.
Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 11 February 1920, Page 4
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