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_ , __— It will be to your advantage to BUY YOUR GIFTS ) J»t j SMITHERS Because you are buying from a practical man who uuderetands the important facts about " JEWELLERY t WATCHES and E.P. or SILVER PLATE You eliminate vhanco and can depend upon tho quality of the gems and workmanship and style of the article. 11. SAUTHERS THE PRACTICAL JEWELLER Phone 233. FEILDING. SEAGRASS SEAGPASS SEAGKASS GOODS A RIO JUST THE THING FOR SUMMER As they are Cool and Restful. But MATS aro also (.'heap and endurable. Only 1 SEAGRASS PUSHCART. Call in and have a look around. alfreT bade MANCIIESTE R STREET Phone 170 SEAGRASS SEAGRAS* (Oakland) J IST LANDED LATEST MODEL OAKLAND CARS MAGNETO IGNITION Price Complete: £520. THE BENSON MOTOR CO. LTD. DIRECT FACTORY AGENTS FEILDINO Levin and Co. and N.Z, Loan anfl Mercantile Agency Co. " HONGOTEA WEANER FAIR. WEDNESDAY. FEBRUAITY 11, 1920 MESSRS LEVIN and CO. LTD., and N.Z. LOAN and MERCANTILE AGENCY CO. LTD. will m>ll as above, the following:— 3W mixed weaners, to be drafted into tots. Hi IS-month Jei'M-y heifer.; 20 iat cows G forward cows 8 stoic cows (lf«ts) HULLS SaLK. .MONDAY, FEBRUARY IC, l!>20. IKY IN and CO. LTD., in conjuneJ lion with I?ALGETY and CO. LTD., will sell as above:-— 55 fat ewe-, dot?) 150 2-tooth ewe-t (good) 12 m.s. 2-tooths It; (j-tooth Roniitey lams 2 Shropshire rams 1 Lincoln -f-tooth ram 20 '.'-year steer* UX> ni.s. lamb> •JO fat e•,'<•--I'S 2-tooth Rummy ram-, U nood Vfaner i>i(4> I ham'<»> cob Murray, Roberts and Co. and Levin and Co. CHEAP FARM. MESSRS MI'RRAY, ROBERTS - and CO. LTD., and LEVIN and CO. LTD., Feildini;. have bt-eii in.-, by Mr ERNEST SHORT to sell by Private Tifaty, the following Freehold Property:4— £\ ACRES, 10 mil.'-, tr.uu Foil- •*—, and 2J iuilv> iioiii a, by p;od motor road. Subdivided into 'J jiadtloi-ks. W:uci«'d \,y spline and <r.-k. Al'oitt two-third-, Sub>tantial (J----loomed >talilr, wool. sht-1, :.nd rowhiuU. \'i itv. WJ p.T a< if. T.-itns. 11l per irllt. va-h. 5 per ci nl . in l> moitlh-.. ]n per itiit. iii IH month- . H.ilam-o, ■"• >•■•>' ■ ; "- ; 'i I , ' , " ■"' • truni date of -.lie. I', -.ion. M.u.j, I. IH2O. NO'l'E. ■ ()«I]'T Mould (.'II- Illc'l ill--(M»m;'. "I ■» -I'iiill iih'ii «i ( h"iit l.iiili! iny-. t-'oi further parti.-nbii-.. apph to MURRAY. HO HERTS ami ■<». LTD. or LEVIN and CO.. LTD. Fi'ihlii)-. i N.Z.I. *no M A Cfl ~APITI WEANER FAIH, MONDAY, FEBRUARY l'">. l!»2o. ZEALAND LOAN and MI'.R- ' i CANTILE AOENCY CO. LTD. •will M-l! as aliovr: ;>il iiiised weaner?- ilot-) Til) 18-iiumills S.H. sti'i'rs 22 18-nionihs S.H. bciii-rs 12 18-nionths Mii\fi| cattle 20 weaner streo ' KI.MIiOLTON SALE. , WEDNESI'AY, FEBRUARY l'-'2o IVTEW ZEALAND LOAN and MER ■ l> CANTILE A<;EN(\ CO. LTD. will -ell as above — 100 mived lambs \{)o 4-tooth Romney-LiiH-otu ewes 100 f.l'.m. ewi-s 50 mixed a; , .' , cwi-.i ■Jl) mivi'il vox lambs P.ANCIWAIUA SALE. TUESDW. FEi;i!UARY 17. VJ'VK IVTEW ZEALAND LOAN and MER • l> CANTILE CO. LTD. will ><>ll as above : ■-■ 100 2-tooth wethers l:t() lambs (lots) 50 2-tooth ewes HO f.lll. ewes ;J() j and (i-tooth Lincoln rams (lots) 12 15-iiionlhs steers 10 15-nionths lieifers r.w.b. 0 mixed y<>arlin<j> 3 cows in milk —— FEILDING AUCTION MART. FRIDAY, FEIHU'ARY IM, li>2o. At 11..'»0 a.m. tJTKVENS and TUCKER will m-11. as abov.-:-Poultry, pigs (.including 5 good por-i Kei-s), '"orsi.-s. 2 cart saddles and breeching., 1. chain, d. col- . lar and ha me.-., 2 cloy uart-s. potatoes, onions, vegetables, peaches, nectarines, pears, apples, plums., furniture, and sundries.
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 11 February 1920, Page 3
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572Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 11 February 1920, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 11 February 1920, Page 3
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Copyright undetermined – untraced rights owner. For advice on reproduction of material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.