COMPLETE CHANGE AT THE LYCEUM TO-.NHJHT At 8 TO-NIGHT Something New and Startjing in Film Stories. .MARC; A RITA FISHEU in THE PRIMITIVE WOMAN THE PRIMITIVE WiMAN The Story of a Cave .Man and a Jazz Dancer. The Dariuji Dancer Shocks Society. In support — GOWNS AND GIRLS An L Ko Comedy Sen-am. .Other Good Ones as well. Price*: SM and .1/7. Reserves 2/1. TVULL HALL, FELLDING. Under Direction ". - Allan AYilkio. A GREAT THEATRICAL EVENT. A Powerful Dramatic' Attraction. Entire Company and Production direct from the Theatre Royal, Svduey. One Night Only. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY l'J. ALLAN WILKIE ALLAN WILKIE ALLAN WILKIE a n<l ■ Miss FREI)LSWYI?E HVNTEK\VATTS The Eminent English Artists. Supported by Allan Wilkie's Brilliant Players in the K'ealest of all dramas: The Romantic Costume Drama— THE MIDNIGHT WEDDING THE MIDNIGHT WEDDING By arrangement with J. C, Williamson, Ltd. Popular prices; 55., 3s, '2s. Pluk tax. No early door. B<>\ plan at P'Ainer.s'. BOOKS FOR SCHOOL
IN a short time school «ill n- ,- open, and the youngsters will he needing New Hooks (let your EDUCATIONAL REQUIREMENTS I'rom us. We have all the ihuipm;e<lcd*f<ii School, i'roin the INFANT CLASSES up to the HIGHEST STANDARDS: Heading, Arilbnielic, Hist<jiy, Geograjthy, Drawing and E.\crcise Hooks. SLATES, COPYBOOKS. PENCILS, Pack, etc. All the Text Books and Ankles necessary for the child's educational career TECHNICAL COLLEGE BOGKS We have full stocks on hand. Sec us before school starts. win. CAitTiifcw i S()\ FEILDING
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 11 February 1920, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2
Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 11 February 1920, Page 3
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