LAST EDITION Star Office, 2.30 p.m.
ißy Electric Teleuraph-'Jcpyrinhty (Aub-N.Z. Cable Association.) (Uccoivcd February 11, D.-iO a.m.) Sydney, Feb. 11. Thoro is already hottrthurning over tho forthcoming visit of the Prince of Wales. Premier Ulolman (N.S.W.) has strongly protested U» I'reinier Hughes against Melbourne .securing tho honour of tho first landing. He declared that New South "Wales, as ihe Premier State of the most historic interest, with i£s~ unrivalled harbour, facilitated their \inans\vcrable claims to urecedence. New South Wales alBo Dossosscd the permanent Federal Capital, and as »he Prince is to arrive irorn New Zealand, Sydney would he his natural hujdinß place. Mr Hiißhos replied that he appreciated the arKuments, but variqus cireumsLances made it desirable that the first landing should be at Melbourne. DECK EASED COAL OUTPUT. Coal production in New South Wales'lor tho year shows a reduction. m oi 41.622 tons, compared with tlie previous year. / PKOPOSEJ) EXHIOITION. A representative Committoo formed for the purpose waited on Premier Holinau with a proposal to hold an International Exhibition in Sydney in two or throe years'" time to celebraU , Peace. The Premier promised that Cabinet would consider tho mutter. THE TJ&NKI& TOURNAMENT. Melbourne, Feb. 11. At Uonnis, liingscotu O'Hara Wood, o—2, o—B, (>—l.
A proclantation jirohibits all strike fonlfjluitioiift. or I'THi-i i.l inuiiA- oi. u'oods to mat i:ie Hie hanks are also instructed to loluse to permit enjyueer.s to wiUidiavv 1 lie uroclaniaLion provides that any bani< official who honours a cheque presented by an agent or niemi'er ot Die iu•stitute will be guilty ol an otlencv, and concludes: No person, organisation, or association sholl, h>; word or (Iced, instigate or aid the continuance of the strike. The in'iialty lor intringeineni is a line of .LUH.) or six months' Imprisonment., or both, and if prosecnuid on indictment the line may )*• any amount, or tin- impriwimiuoub any term or both. The priH-lamatioii is under the War Precautions Act.
THE TAIMUNG AND IEATIiEIUNG Six men weie. lined i.U L ; s each iv
conneeiiuu with the tarrinj; and lv;\therinji of the rjjyiiiester JlcDonald. ivlio ropuulisbetl an old poem libelling soldiora.
IIKUiIU) lilG FLOOD. -■ Brisbane, Feb. 11. A record flood is reported from the .Ntirninuton district, lollowiug on liic recoilb cyclone. It caused cnonnoielosses ot uittU , . OUEENSLAND FOOD FAMINE. As a itoulf of tiie shipping strike, ti latuuiu in iooil.siultjS, Iμ i«.-jn ced in jiortJu.'i'u towns, 'me police wuro einpoHercd t<j all ilour »t (Jaiirns. 'FLIP ON THURSDAY ISLAND.
Nine deaths troiu iniluuuza are reported from lhnrsday J.tluud. Sixty per cent, ot the population is affected. «r"»i I!,——»
LAST EDITION Star Office, 2.30 p.m.
Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 11 February 1920, Page 3
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