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SECOND WEEK SPECIALS DURING the last ten days 'people throughout the district have flocked to our SALE to participate in the generous bargains oil'ered. Our* has been a most successful sale, and this week we have a Ing number oi real bargains to pick from. Remember! we can't list them all here, but we want you to come in and have a walk around. 1. A HEAL SMI , . a."i yards only coloured Voile. 10 inches wide. I'.Hiial price ils (id. Second Week Sale Price Is Gd. L , MODELS—Second Week Prices. ") only Trimmed Moduli, the balance of the Season's Stock. I'sual prices 40s to Cos. Second Week Specials 15s each. .!. At) YARDS ONLY. oo'inch NAVY SEHG'E. bomething good for hard wear. Splendid for school wear. Usual price 8s lid yard. Second Week Sale Price -Is 6d a yard. 4. READY-TO.WEARS. A nice lot of stviish bats, from 10s Gd «>acli. and " UNTIUMMEI) STRAWS. Cheap enough to burn. Special Secmd Week Offer, 2- Gd '■a-h. r> Y.NOTHEK SNIP To \ aids Hritish Fuji, shades Helio, Light Gr«'ei). and Lemon, Usual puce 2s lid. Special Second Week Price Is lid yard. G A TUSSORE GIFT.--To >;<r«l- s<» inch Tussore A really «.mml fine Silk. Usual Prtc- i> - ~1 ;l yar<i. Secoml Week I'me :<- l>l ti yiild. ; NKiHTDUESSES. at Cut l'li-e-A specially |;<"»1 line «-t La«lic>' L.C. Nigbtdi esses. Ni'-.-ly trimmed Luce and In-ei tiou. i--u;il •Price l<»s M '''"l. Second Wivi, Cut Price 8s lhl each. « L\l>lES' JAP.VNESE COl.oßT'.li DRESSING (JOWN'S. in all < "I outs. Second Week Sale Price .V lid <>ach. '!». LADIES' VEILINGS, to dear at CA and I'd yard dm inn Sale. REMEMRER ! V\'e waiu u> see yon I'.silv ami otteii during.the wee!:. ItYOllt chamv to sax i-" money dtirinn Oil! MONEY SAVIN*; SALE. SrCIHIR, THOMSON'S FEILDING. NEXT P.O. Where the Bargains Arc.
ROniN IJOTJ t.. BAKEK I.K.ZA.+. M.n.i A.r HOOB AND BAKER Architects \laiirb.«stor FKILDINO MEDICAL. DU. JL C. ItOHKHTS, M.H.C.S (Fug). L.It.C.P. (Lond.j, H Sc. iLoml.i of Ki'mbtilt-on, has ■-tailed I'laetiMiig at KIMHOLTON. HANGIWAHIA. and APITI. MR J. T, WOODMASS Professor of Music pi.'rio, Violin, Cl'irionettc, and Theory Ri:Sl"Ml'S Tca.hin;; at his Studio. Sveiidsen's Building.-.. Manciicter street, on MONDAY, FEB. A 19-JU. Piivate Addiv::- , Kimlxfltou Head MUSICAL. \.f ISS 11. DAVIDSON, Teacher <i IT I Piuiioioite and 'J'hetiry. li SAN t>l LANDS STREET. Term opens FEU. 2. MUSICAL. MISS E. HCBNEK, 'Ami h.-r «1 . Pianoforte and Thv;oiy. Next Term begins FEMU'AUY -J l'.t'O. CAM DEN SIHHFT. MUSICAL. \,| l.s.S UJIALJ.OHAN, L.T.C.L.. Teacher of Piaiiof'.n t<. N< x-. Teim Lommem-o FFBHUAHY 9 L".i UK ATT IE STHKKT. MUSIC TEACHING. V<M('E PKOI.I (TION, SINGES*;, and PIANOFOHTE. M:< (i. H. TIUNER will i.suriK: . teacbiiiK on MONDAY, FEB.'J. i ra). Addj t ss : DOM INION lil'F I.D ING S MR E. A. GOLDING, Organist Wesley Church, TREACHER of "PIANO, ORGAN, .1. and THEOHY, resumes Tuition FFUIUJAHY 2. Private Address: 10 YOKK ST. MUSICAL. : MISS GLADYS WELLS, Teacher of Pianoforte and Theory. Next Term begins FEBUI'AHY !). pjat>. DENBIGH STHICET. MISS CALVERT, Teacher of Piano and Organ. QUARTER begins FRIDAY, FEBRIARY 6. "111-:- Hollies. KIMBOL'ION ROAD. PIANOFORTE AND THEOJRY. fITISS MARGARET HILL resume , iVI T.'achiiu', MONDAY. FEURI'. ARY 10. '27 Marlboioiigh Stieet. I<'KILDING. MISS D. MANAGH Milliner and Dressmaker \NY Moilel made to order. Plain Sewim<4. Bring your Ostrich Plumes and Hews to be made like new. :(2 SANDILANI'S STREET. MISS SYLVIA UUNFORD rjiF.ACHER of rianoforte, Thwry, and Harmony. Tt-rir* commences February D. Address: MAKING. I GLOVES AT SALE PRICKS. ■\TATi T RAL DOESKIN GLoM'">'i'i lii our F;iney Depiirtnn.-nt. All :''ir.rrs. Both Gaijntlet and 2-lmttnn. Well'worth 14.-6 pair. Sale price R'lt pair. At MeGUI'ER, THOMSON S SALE.
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 11 February 1920, Page 2
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600Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 11 February 1920, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 11 February 1920, Page 2
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Copyright undetermined – untraced rights owner. For advice on reproduction of material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.