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f t — T ADIES! Something Special ior In•loor Wear—good quality. '. AUIES' VELVET SLIPPERS Felt Lined Leather Strip So!es In all. the favourite colours. All One Price, 7/6 iSolt, rosy and Long Wearing. CALL EAHLY, as they're bound to go. tt, HANNAH & CD LTO FEULDING AT MHS BEVANS SALE I OYFLY Cheap FROCKS, suitable I_J for this summer weather, at halt the value. WHITE VOILE "FROCKS From 17/9 COLOVKED and FLOItAL From 27/6 CSEFUL SKIRTS |'if|ins, (hecks "and Gabardines 9/11 NICE VOILE SKIRTS White, lilac!;, Navy drey and Floral. 14/11 SILK ANKLE HOSE Black, Brown, Grey and White 3/11 VOILE and CREPE BLOUSES From 6/11 S VILO1? COLLARS. • Embroidered. Were 2/11. 1/11 SAILOR COLLARS, Coloured. Now 6d HF.WY KIBBKI) HOSE Worth 2/11. 1/6 I,!*U,K HOSE 1/11 . Do.. Ca .lim-jv IVe!, 2/11 and 3/9 sthh'ei) srours coats H/11 SIUiPEI) SKIRTS JJ/11 Pretty I'l.i ;U and Coloured HAND"K.EUCIIIKFS- <H imvl C-d CHILt'HENS lIFADV-TO-WEAR FRO< KS. fn-m 4/11 *"~ PRESERVrNG lARS. * % ALL SPECIAL. "it market 1T» ball-gall., quart, ami pint. Special indent price. Still offering. First quality Orange Pekoe Tea. Quality unsurpassed. Flour, Pollard, Bran, etc., South Island and local. Hoffman Frames and Foundations for Bee Colonies stocked. , Regular deliveries in borough. Trial solicited. . ' w. h7~alsop, Denbigh Street Stort. Phon» 69. BARGAINS AT ALL - ROUND EXCHANGE Manchester Street, FEILDING. Beautiful Oak Bedroom Suite. Duches-i. Sideboard. I.*uche»s and Marble-top Washstand. Table Mirrors. Kitchen Chairs. Marble-top Washstand. Singer Sewing Machine. Wertheitn Sewing Machine . Lino, in different patterns and sixes. Overmantel. Ami other Goods too numerous, u> mention. HULLOI HULLOJ WANTED KNOWN. CJUMMEE'S hot and muggy day* ■O and nighta are transformed into Winter's Cool Surorundingn at THE DAINTIES SODA FOUNTAIN MANCHESTER STREET The Home of Cool and Befreehin* Fruit Drinks. Ice Cream Delicacies. Wholesome Fruit Salad. Strawberries and Cream. Always on hand in »e*aon. Cleanliness ... Quality Good Service ie our Motto. Under the Special Soperruioa of Mr B. J. HAINES who hae had considerable English, American and Colonial experience. A TRIAL SOLICITED. DAINTIES ~7CE CREAM PARLOURS Ftlldlne EflteblleJ»*d 1801. ALLEN ANb~MWRHI (Late A. Williameon) LADLES , AND GENTLEMEN'S TAILORS. ALL Orders carefully and promptly attended to. Only Beat Materials procurable kept in stock. " Fit and Style guaranteed. Prices reasonable. Addreee — WILLIAMSON'S BUILDINGS. Manchester Street. 'Pb'jie 186. »"■' j PRACTISE REAL -'j'AIiYTOW ECONOMY by using SHERWIN and WILLIAMS' rpHE false economy of using houieX mixed paints will be readily seen by comparing the price or' white lead, oils and colourings, with the cost of S. and "\V. Ready-mixed Paints. BESIDES THE FIRST COST You must consider the better preserving properties and longevity of the] Sherwin-Williams products. USE THESE PRICES FOR COMPARISON White, 37/- gallon. , Maroon, Cream, Green, and Brown, all 33/- gallon. SKCTKE YOUR SUPPLIES TO-DAY. FEILDIMi SASH I DOOR CO LTD. HARDWARE IMPORTERS. Kinibolton Road.
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 11 February 1920, Page 2
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457Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 11 February 1920, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 11 February 1920, Page 2
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Copyright undetermined – untraced rights owner. For advice on reproduction of material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.