T COLLINS Addreaa: DtfNMGll STUKET BUILDER and CONTUACTOU I'laus »od Specific* tiona Prepared In their change advertisement next to the leading article. McGruer. Tlioin.son's have set out some special bargains for .the second week ol' their sale. They invite you to sco their special window display nl voiles at a -special price. Sash and Door Co.'s replace. Kntrie> i'or Apiti wcanei- fair. (■'eneral wanted. Kield el*-., wanted al the All round K\chang<\ l.ailv s ntubrella i'ountl. htmse wanted.
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Bibliographic details
Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 11 February 1920, Page 2
Word Count
Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 11 February 1920, Page 2
Copyright undetermined – untraced rights owner. For advice on reproduction of material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.