The draper paused in his tying-up of his parcel to discuss tho current unrest. "1 put it "down to the. women,' said he. "Oh," said 1, wondering what was coining. '"'Yes," lie contended, "to the women. i)o you know, the other day a vvommi came into the shop and bought h pair ot stockings—silk stocking*, nine and sixpence a- pair. She didn't look wi'iiltliy, either. A couple of days later she came back for another pair, same price. >iy curiosity got the better of mo, and 1 asked her what she wanted a se-eond pair of such oxpensive stockings so fioon. "Oh/ she said, 'my toes have gone through the others." There you are. Why doesn't she wear the woollen or lisle thread stockings our mothers used to weary 1 gave it up. "Yon take it from me." he said, as I went nway, "the women are at the bottom of it.' —From "ZamielV Random Siiots in the Auckland Star
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 11 February 1920, Page 2
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3930, 11 February 1920, Page 2
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