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"% £flft ACRES, Feilding-'Cifitriet. -= OUU Land Transfer Title. All , - good strong agricultural and fatten- { ing land; all ploughable. All in grass - . except a few acres crop and 80 acre*, swedes. Well fenced and watered. : 6-roomed House, stables, granary, yards, Lister shearing plant, every -.? convenience. Carrying 1200 sheep, 40 head cattle and 13 horses. . Prke, £37 10s. Terms on application. /ISO ' N.Z. FARMERS' GO-OP. DE3TRI- ' . BUTING CX>. LTD. FEILDING.
. FIRST-CLASS GRAZING FARM. d A f\r\ ACRES, 1 mile frSin echool ' 'dbUU and 3' from a good towpeliip. by good metalled road. All in grass. Well-fenced into 12 paddocks, .with 7 and 8 wires and totara posts. Well watered. 6-roomed house, woolshed, cowshed, etabl&. 'etc. All easy hilfc. Price right, and terms verj easy. For further particulars, apply to ». U. HARDEN * Cf»land, j Streft, end Financier Agtnfc KIMBOT.TON HANDY DAIRY FARM FOR SALE. AS A GOING CONCERN THIS property consists of 60 Acres, and is beautifully situated, being only 2 miles from town, school, and' factory. Cream collected. 49 acres are in grass, and 12 acres crop. Buildings include an 8-roomod house, and all out-buildings, sheds, pig-stye. Stock now on consist of 25 cows, 1 bull, 23 calves, 5 pigs, 2 horses.- The price as a going concern; including the stock mentioned, and implements besides, is £87 por acre, with £1600 caeh. (1838} For further particulars apply. to . VICTOR * SMITH LAND AGENT Box M .. ... FEILDING A British Dominions - Policy P*a • Rte« of Seanfcr ■•»* your hooM. The British Dominion* CUnwal ImnnuM* Co. LHaV A. HATRICK aY CO. LTD. WANQANUI WOOD MSB COAL. H. HUNT, Woad and Coal Merchant. CjTOCKS of MATAI, cut in sol O • lengths. M&ire and Matai in any quantity* For price, ring up 88. FARNBWORTH * BPOONER (L»te of Dalton and Co.; Sanitary Plumber* and Hot Water: Enginttr*, Gufitters, etc. "IOBBING Work promptly attended «J to. Estimttes free of charge. Address J Vo. v BEATTIK STREM , . HPHE N.Z. Farmers' Co-op. Bacon and Meat Packing Co., Ltd., are Buyers of Prime Baconere, Pork* ers, and Choppers, TRUCKING DATES' for FEBRUARY Feilding, Monday ... 9 23 Apiti. Tuesday 10 24 Ivimbolton. Tuesday ... 10 24 Ohakea. Wednesday ... 11 25 Halcombe, Wednesday ... 11 25 Mangaweka, Monday ... 2 16 XJtiku. Tuesday 3 17 sMautcaonoho, Tuesday ... 3 17 Hunterville, Tuesday ... 3 17 Ratii, Wednesday ... 4 18 Piss received at Halcombe from 11.30 a.m.. to 12.20 p.m. JAMES McALLEY, Burer. P. 0., Feilding. FEJLDING-APITI MOTOR MAIL SERVICE. V. A. PHILLIPS, Contractor. ; Timetable :— Leave Api*«i (daily) 7.0 a.m. ~ Kimboltou 7.50 a.m. ~ iriwitea to 8.16 a.m. , Cheltenham 8.30 a.m. Arrive Feilding 9.5 a.m. liAave Feilding 3,0 p.m. ~ Cheltenham 4,25 p.m. Kiwitea 4.45 p.m. Ivimbolton 5.5 pan. Arrive Apiti 5.45 p.m. Parcels may lie left at Benson's Garage, Feilding, or at W. Hansen'e. K'Ttbolton. MOTOR LuttßY. TOWN an«J COUNTRY CARRYING. G. HICKMOTT, Proprietor. QUICK and Reliable L'eliTery of nil kinds of Goods, ' 'Phone '280. :
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 10 February 1920, Page 1
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471Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 10 February 1920, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 10 February 1920, Page 1
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Copyright undetermined – untraced rights owner. For advice on reproduction of material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.