Wln'ii "TAN-OL" roint-i in (luliiifss u0 ,,., ~„(. A splendid iMilislicr lor ilooi-- and t ii in i t tin-, IcsitliiT ami tun slu.i's. IS YOT'R CHILD COXSTIPATKD? If vonr cliild U dull :\n<\ slupul soo uln'flior In , is (Miiislipaicri. Nine times ~iit. of Irii Ilial. is Hie Iroiililc. C'Histilyulicii -.iris-'s I'roiu imli-rcsliiiii and s!iih;kHi mind. ('linmlirrlaiii's 'I'alil.'ts" aft direcllv mi the l'ncr, cloiinmu" (I'"' svv,l(mii <»l' «-onslij.:il.'d "liillor iiix'l liilf wFiicli lui.s "i:kl|- your child f-o'slttpid. ClinniiM-rlnm's Tablots nro nn i<lonl ivmody for oliildron and nro pleasant tn lake. All Hiemids ami Storekeepers.
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 10 February 1920, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4
Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 10 February 1920, Page 1
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