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riRST-CLASS SHEET CX)TJNTRS. 4Of\ ACRES, Freehold, situated *trOvJ Rangitikei district, only 2i mile.s from Railway Station and good stock market. Mostly hilly country, of blue papa formation and excellent quality. 20 acres x>loughed, 90 acres stumped. Caneying capacity 2£ slieep and cattle. 9-voomed Residence, motor and trap shed; 3 sets yards. Price £25 per acre, £2000 cash, balance arranged. N.Z. FARMERS' CO-OP DISTRIBUTING CO. LTD. PEILDING.
OAK . dressing rF=r ■ii TABLE . J| DESIGNED on tho sim. / | j pie lines .so much in ' '■ "-1- "'' '• '"'^^ favour at pfoscnt, carried — $ out in thoroughly seasoned J '" ~— ""Tllf^ heart oak. EliS^______ f'' Length, 31't. Gin. |! I ~~ ==:::::= FitUnl uith 2lin x iSni /I Bevelled Mirror. f Jlj / BeautifulJv linishod ihioiigh- jjj 1 PIUCE - £12 10 0 Wo have also a large variety of different designs in OAK DHESSU*. TABLES Kangiiij; in jiriccf ui> u> £22 10 0 Wβ will be pleased to supply further iuionnution on leqiiest. W. PEGDEN {THE SQTJABE. PALMEItSTUN N.
FEILDING — KIMBOLTON — WAITUNA , amOYAL MALL SERVICE BY MOTOIt BUS. Timetable—Waituna Route :-- ---3L^ ve -. tan Waituna '■#* Cimningiuuaß 7.50 Ridgelanda 8.10 Mftkino... •• - B'ir Feilding arrive o-*^ FeUding - 3.90 Makino f* 5 Ridgelanda " oa Waituna arrive *•*& ■Timetable-KimbCltcn Reute:— JLeave *•»• Foildina - •■ g-*g Cheltenham f-lo Kiwitea... Jj-« KimboJton arrive Learo ••"»• Kimbolton J?-]* 5 JSiwitea JJ-0 Cheltenham .A", s Feildißg arrive 12 (noon) All Booked Faroe 1/- extra. alFa Ughting system TURN tho Nigbt into Daylight lj installing an ALFA LIU HI Plant. Cheapest to run, Cheapest te install, Cheapeet to buy, Cheapest us upkeep. 440 candle power light tui 70 houre on a gallon of petrol. Hundreds of plante in use every night. Price and full particulars from Bal* District Agents for Alfa Ljght iAlfa Separators. SIMMS MACHINERY CO Phon«) 146. lADIES , Underwear at the low j ost prices, at SPBWCfi, and BPENCE'S. . ■ " . . . LIM33y2D. OUR FACTOR-Y in WARWICK STREET is open Aβ usual un FRIDAYS, and on SATURDAYS tid 1 p.m., for Bale of Meat. OUR SPECIALITY : First Grade Larnbu, from 8d per Hi upwards. - a¥c~SOOI BHOP~ HAVING pujchjisod the A.D.C. Boot Rei«oring Busmen from Mr Harvey> 1 will endeavour to produce prompt, neat, and urstrclass Repairs, done as the shortest notice or ; whUe you wait. Only Best Material kept is atook. V M. HOftRE FEILDING BACON CO., LTD. 3D EOEIVINO I'm »t Factory eT»r> MONDAY ana TUESDAY. B. II- BRIDGE, Phone olti "uye r MASTERTON SHOW. T#IRTY-TIIIRD ANNUAJi SHOW, j SOL WAY, MASTERTON. The Ix:a<liuß Autumn Sliow in thi> North Island. I FEBRUARY 17 ami 18, 1920. Entries Close MONDAY, FEB. % 1920 at 10 p.»n. Late Entries close FEB. 7, 1920. PRIZE MONEY INCREASED £864 FROM £864 £1182 TO - £1182 ANNUAL RAM AND EWE FAIR. FEBRUARY 10 ami lit*. 1920. Accommodation arrangorl for Visitor-. Apply by letter to Si-crotary. Seventy Acres of Ideal Picnic Urounds Native lJuslij Running Streams., Shady Nooks. Hat Water l>w for i'icnic?. Kailwav Siding and Tlohling Padlocks at Catop. Schedules on application to It. K. WILLIAMS, Secretary, Box 40, Mnsterton. I»ALMERbTON NORTH. NEW ROYAL HOTEL. Modern Brick Building; electric LiglH throughout. Tariff, to per day. Speight's Beer and best of Wim (Lat« of Hoatia'c Hot^KFeildjnkJ^ W' ANTED.— Boy to learn Cycle and Motor trade. One with a Uttle previous experience preferred. (TREASTJEE CYCLE CO.. FeUduig. OR SALE.—«eroral good English Second-hand Cycles. Thoroughly overhauled. TREASURE CYCLE GO.. FeiidiEg.
\ ami iilcastnl. s ,,, ' , ''' l '- for icn.i.viii- worm-, is WADK/S WOILM J<'J(.,S. Prjro Is G<l. TAKK IT WITH YOU. SfVi-r X" " n il j"iiriiey without ;< mi.itlc" C'li:iiiil>(-'r.liunV Colic aii'i Diarrhoea Kcmedy in your trunk. 11,1 in and li'iiit travailing, u'ilh Iho ■ ■Miisftjui'itt of <lipt, many ami it i* ""' ti i« ji > •'<»"->' ti, iililiiin :i rclii''<ly when I ravelling. ('li:init)iTlalli"s C<.lie ami Diarrhoea Kiiihmlv 1-iin ahva.s- b< , rrli.-d uj.nn t<. jiivf; iiMant it'll*-i" in nil liow«'l ctuiiplaiiit.-. All iiufl sfiirekfi'oors.
KITTO'S LAND AGENCY. BAETIHI. ftQK ACH.ES, Fi'pehold, 500 in r/f)f) j;rass, muJulatiiig to hilly, wintered 850 sheep and 80 lioad of fjiltlo. New 4-roomed house, all conveniences, well fenced; 5 miles from railway station by good metal motor mad. £7 7s acre, and only £500 ■ ■a.-h OftO ACRES, 0.R.1 , ., at 17« (VI f/i)fJ acre, and 5 Acres FretJacies). Good 'woulshed. huilt with hold (adjoining above property of 'J.V> iron, uliare, 2 .sets sheep yards, and rciicrete dip. Divided into 0 paddocks, ivell watered ; 500 acres in grass. Shorn 1000 nhecp two years njnnin« and took £.lfK) fur wool alone last voar. Price £6 f's p'.-r ncre. Al»oiit i 100(1 cash. ■Qγ owner will _ accept war honds or oilier securities. OHO ACRES. 0.R.P., all in grass £\)£l except 5 acres shelter hush. .">-roonied house, milking shed and marHnes and the best dairy farm in tho Hiietilii district. Owner at present 50 cows; would easily run 60 dairy cows. £27 per acre, and only £1000 cash. 1 1 OH ACRES, 0.X.P... at 27,s (3d j .[.JjU per acre. About 500 in grass, balance good standing bush. Subdivided into 5 paddocks, good hnildinps except wliare; .'ill fences good. Billy sheep country and very little plouf-hable. 20 miles from llnetihi, by good road. Will winter i oiiu wet and one dry sheep to tho acre. £7 10s per acre, and about £~'iO cash deposit. KITTO'S LAND AGENCY ; RAETIHI.
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 10 February 1920, Page 1
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860Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 10 February 1920, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 10 February 1920, Page 1
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Copyright undetermined – untraced rights owner. For advice on reproduction of material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.