You won't Ueep a cold or sore throat above a day or twt> if yon uso "NAZOL." Acts lik a charm. Get it to-day. 00 do-vos Is 6d. TUEUEAIIE FOirrr.NKS WAITING MADE in hundreds of needed inventions. That idea ot yours bo the means of inakiiiii YOl'R fortune. For advice tti these matters consult Henry Rushes. Ltd., Latent Attorneys, 157 1-'eatlierston Street, Wellington.
'Cknows how liable the skin Is to I S suffer" from disfiguring Wotche* 1 ■3 and eruptions; end how liable it I i<6ll, also, to get cnt and hurt in I $all condition! of life—at home, I lat work, and tt play. * There i p isn't a woman in the home, I alor a man in the etreet, bat J SS'Z'\M PUK tods? or to-morrow. I Jsjf "I m.iy bt to check a sudden on-1 M of skiti distaie, to «oothe| go snd heal « nasty cnt or barn, tore- j fpi taovc ft" niisightly pitnple or core.l K$ to strengthen a sprained joint, Wj to "rub out " a p&m. tr»r all | iQ three things there's nothing like) ■ tJ I § rf F& VJI PERMANENTLY CURED ■ Free Booklet explainiue how to remove Jj ■ Ooitre sent on request. Write to-"" , , t> B Ortr 30»0 incetiiei. Hnn<lrcrl« «f tMtiion- jit. 4 S A. J. DOIG, Chemlat, a^ P For Influenza "•^β Mean's Essence] SpHie Mon*.y-Savir.fF lU*m< <S iTTS IS CojU 23- Meket 1 pint £avo» 10/ Mβ
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 10 February 1920, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 9
Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 10 February 1920, Page 4
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