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I wou '.d nee< l c whole of the I W advertising space of this paper •to toll you of the many improvements of the NEW SPORTS MODEL mm iv - Davidson iKiriii! I \ Come in and we will show you * the New Twin Opposed Douglas . typo Engine I With Roller Bearings throughout. Tho Threo-speed Gear Box } with Jlultiple Disc Clutch running in oil. The Single Chain Drive, completely enclosed and properly lubricated. The Super-heated Twin Cast Inlet Manifold, coupled to a particularly efficient bcheliler Carburetter." The Automatic Oil Pump. The New Trussed Cushion Forks. The Step Starter. | Tho Extra Strong Frame and Wheels. Come and see this latest mechanical Masterpiece, and you will be convinced that the Sports Model H.-D. is easily the best on two wheels. BAIN &h LTD. P.O Dox 108 FEILDING. rangiwahla '||OinT('l-LTURAL AM: INDUS- ' * THIAL SOriF/IV.
TENTH ANNUAL SHOW. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, 1020. HorM--, Cattle, Shcop, Competitions, Flow ei-ji, \"ej;et,'thles, Farm Prodtice, Fruit, Bread and Sweets, ludustrinl, Piiotiiyrapliy. and School AVork. Ailiiii'-sion : 1/1. Children under 12 Cd. Members' Tickets to be obtained tiom Secretary, 5s each. The Society is erecting new coininodioiii ("atlie Yards, on the Shoiyj.;juiind for tlie convenit-nce of exhibitors. Schedules will bo available about tlie middlo of February. MARTON DISTRICT A. AND P. ASSOCIATION. To be held on the M AHTt.iN ItACECOrKSK (Adjoinin;.; Uailuny Station) on WEDNESDAY. MARCH 3. 1920. Clashes tin Horse-, I'ollles, HurilOSS llois.s. < otnjx'titiotis. Maiden. Open, Ladi>-s'. au-i Pony Jumping. Cattle, Sheep. Kai. Sheep, and Lambs. (.niin, liuit, W'fjetablfs, and floine Industiies. Over £600 in prizes, in addition to Trophies. Entries Tuesday, February 17. Schedules upon application to .1. ROBSON, Secretary, Box o.j, Mar ton. Have YOU Ordered You* WINTER SUIT «r COSTUME? If not, now i» the time to pi* your order with E. WAY FEILOING'S FASHION TAILOP Ferguuon Street ill 7 HO ha* a fine etoek of WINTFJH VV HERt.ES (Iridic* «uarante«s) WOHSTKDS, and TWEKDS, to »e)td from. Our Workmanship Spe*ke for Itecll , E. WAV r*lephon« 404
DEWE a SI'ORLE WOOL SCOUHEHS AND FELLMONGERS Wurkfi on Kawa Kawa lload) FEILDING. GENERAL CARRIEItS l.i<.'t>n(fp<l f<jr Gt>n<«rfli Carrying. THREE MOTOR LORRIES Ay the Disposal of Hesidenu iv Town «■" ami Farmers in tho Ountry. Furniture Removed, Wool Carted in. and all other work undertaken. Telephone, 230. Howe 'phono, 221 P.O. Box 38. SDKDAY RUNS TO PAL.MKKSTON. IF eulljcient indticeuiyat offers, a Motor Taxi will leave the Poet Office for Palmereton North every SUNDAY, about '.30. Good opportunity to visit HoepiUl i'or particulart hi'i , U' J. COCK. 'Pbono 430. a. G. STUNELL Builder and Contractor "ESTIMATES given. Jobbing Work dont>. addreee: CARIHKW STREET CHEAP KING COUNTRY SHEEP FARM. A(;K, ' :S > Fri'ohoW- 1-150 '/Trv.f A exes Maori Lease, 14 years to run, at Ls per acre; 21 yoars at per acre.
Good prospect of freehulding the Native Lease at. t'JOs per acre. 1150 Acres in grass, and improving wit'i age. Ryegrass and cocksfoot hold well. B. r )U Acres of bush land, oasy couni try, and contains a good proportion lof milling timber. The i»roperty lies mostly to the sun aid is warm, well sheltered, and has ample water. Jhiildijigs consist of Groomed house and outbuildings, good woolshed, with three machines. Good sheep and cattle yards. 15 paddocks, with all fencing in nood order. No gorges or cattlo traps, and no droughts. Hail frontage to Main Trunk line. Railway station on tho homestead. Price: £7 nor acre for freehold and jriimlwil] of Native Lease. Easy terms. For full particulars, apply to DALGETY and CO., LTD., TK KUITI. FOR Nevr Beadereon or Excelsior Motors call at THE ASH HE CV-, CLE CO., Feildini?. Wo bavo the latest Military Models in stock. Catalogues on application
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 10 February 1920, Page 4
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611Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 10 February 1920, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 10 February 1920, Page 4
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Copyright undetermined – untraced rights owner. For advice on reproduction of material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.