Published Annually. rnHE LONDON DIRECTORY with Provincial and Foreign Sections, enables ur»dere to commum ia to direct with Manufacturers an f Dealers in London and in tho Piovincial Town* and Industrial Con true of tho Uuit-cj Kingdom and tho Continent of llurop». T!.". names, addresses and ./ther d<'tnilu «ro clarified un<lor moro thar ~'M) trade headings, including Export Merchant* with detailed particulars of tho (Jood* and the Colonial and F«i.?i;;i) .M.-ukf;ts supplied ; Steamship Lines nt ranged unde r the Ports to vthicb J tlic'.v eail. and indicating tho appr r ).n main Sailings. tint-inch HUSINESS CARDS of Firm.'--desiring to extend their connections. ■<i Trade Cards of Dealer* Seeking Agenc'es can be printed at a cost of £v 10s for i';? trade heading under which -hey mo inserted. Larger divertiiicin?nt* I from £2 to £16. A copy of the Directory « .1 be wiO by parcel post for £2, net* cash witr order. The LONDON DIRECTORY CO. Ltd 2 r > Abchurwo lane London, EC. 4 England. Tlusinesa eatablishod 105 jeart. T A DIES' BLOUSES in Voilo, Crone,, Silk, and Crrpo-de-rhenfi. all reduced at SPENCE'S, ITiYEinTrnNcT" a nuvcEv a t I J SPENCIC and SPENCE'S Sun. ■ ' luer &ole.
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 10 February 1920, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 3
Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 10 February 1920, Page 4
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