£3,840,104 FOR 10 MONTHS.
iuo ivi.i>id>— tliosc tor tlic auittitnt o[ ri'veime ■coUfetod during t.!n> mojjtli and daring 10 moiilhs—■ anw been l.tukeu b.v the Customs rwvmit; t<>r the current year, the re-t-cipU t<) date, as *hn\vn I'J ; < staU- ,- nn'iit made yesterday by -Sir \\ . lilirrruT,. Minister l"r Custom.-, being iwreytiuiialiy lar^e. Ihf amount t>l CusU'ins revenue folltTtetl duriuy; the laoiitli ol".January, l'j-JO, was .L'-M-l,tH>3—tlte largest iiiuotuil ever euileetod in one niutttli by the Customs DeiKirtmeiit, stated the Minister, Tht; next best mouth wi-> May lill'.i, when tlie duty aniouu-It-d to J37,W»i*. or .urtXK) behind the present month. The amount eolleeted durin jitho. ten aw-nUis of the iinaneial \.'ar. L'.*J,S 10,101, a record. The next lii«fhe.-.t .similar period was the i.ii inontlis- ended January 151 st, 191", when the amount collected was £•*.- ---t-'.'tl.-l I!), nhkli i.s li. , ** tliuji that for the present period by C(K>S,(isu. The aitioimt ol revenue is no doubt due to the prosperity of the Dominant as well as to (he inoreaMxl prices ot articles, and to the fact that, gonds which have been on order for some time are now coininjj; to hanoV,
£3,840,104 FOR 10 MONTHS.
Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 10 February 1920, Page 4
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