(Per Press Association.) Hamilton, February 9. The weather was showery and there was a tiood attendance for tho Hamilton races. Tho totalizator handled £•41.347, as against .€41,093 last year. Fraukton Handicap,—Demoiselle 1. Waikorea '2, No Bother 3. Scratched: Glenval. Won by half a> length. Time, 1.20. Tawhero Handicap.—Caballero 1, Tqrfreda 2, RiiiK Lupin 3. Scratched: Kilbrouan. Won by a length. Time, Waitanyi Hurdles.—Entente Cordiale 1, Arab King 'J. Seville a. Scratched: Waikura. Won easily. Time. 3.3 G. WaikaU) Handicap.—Koyal li ish ], Melee '_'. Waiuta. 3. Scratched: Kiiij{ Lupin. Won by a length. Time. 2.0 3-o. 'J'jiupiri Hack.--.Miss Leslie ], Explode '_'. Monopole 3. Scratched: Ma Copper, General Advance, Rnatara, Demoiselle. Independence, Waikorea. Won by two leiiKths. 1.32 l-o. Ruakura Stakes.—Gold Piano 1. Lovoliitht 2. Rlackmail 3. Scratched: Prince Charleroi. Finkop and Woloinai. Wiiu by a neck. Time, 1.4 2-3. Kiiikiiiroa Handicap.—Bindle _1, Oueen Ahhov '2. Ro-Peo]> 3. Scratched: l> m<l Lupin and Kilbrojiiui. Won by half a length. Time, 1.17. _Te Kouhai Welter. -Arch Salute 1. Kereone L , , Glonspirc 3. Scratched: Corroiridor and Llansaunor. Won by ;i nock. Time, 1.45 2-o.
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 10 February 1920, Page 4
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 10 February 1920, Page 4
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