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THE SECOND WEEK WE have entered upon the second wtH'k oi' our GREAT S.UMMER SALE and wo propose to inula , it a recordbreaking week. Hero are a few prices picked at random :— .MEN'S TWICE I) HATS Wore 112/0. Now 5/11 MEN'S or LADIES' PANAMAS Reduced to 9/6 and 9/11 PUTTEES All Wool Now 12/6 pair MEN'S UNDEHPANTS and SINGLETS To o!car at 3/11 each BOYS' GABARDINE and FELT HATS Cheap nt 1/11 MOTS' TUSSORE SILK HATS Good quality. 1/11 each BOYS' GREY SCHOOL SHIRTS What will bo wanted when schools open. To clear at 3/9 KOYS" SCHOOL SHORTS ! From 6/6 ■These prices last while the goods la--L We cannot ivplnoe them nt the money ;«c all would l>o advised to simp now at Where the 'Ready Tailored' Suite art NEW GOODS -IUST LANDED DIRECT FROM THE BRITISH MANUFACTURERS.— "BULLDOG , ' GARDEN SPADES BORDER FORKS LADIES' SPADES •FLAG" BRAND RUSTLESS TABLE KM VKS STEW PANS and COVERS ALUMINIUM FRY PANS PRESERVING PANS Eto. BRAMWELL BROS. LTD. DIRECT IMPORTERS. Fargusson Street, FEILDING TAKE ADVANTAGE 01 these excellent lines we are afc present offering, and mak> those purchases which are WANTED IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD during iho hot weather. Meat Safes, Meat Covers, BEST QUALITY GARDEN HOSE FENCING MATERIALS Now is your chance- to secure adequate supplies of the best quality Fencing Materials. BARB WIRE American Gal. Wire, Nos. 8 and 10. Galv, Staples, liti, I Jin, Uni, ljin. Wire Netting. All aixen. Bright Staples. Limited quantity of 1 Jin at id lb. ALSO NEEDED ON EVERY FARM: Scythe Handles, Stones, ScytlnBlades (3Cin riveted). Hay Rakes. and Forks, "RamV Head" Branding Oil. WFEO EXTERMINATOR Death to all weeds. Try it today. Call in to-day and see our prices, and you'll remain to buy, FEILDING SASH I DOOH CO LTD. HARDWARE IMPORTERS. Kioibolton Road. Ket*bliaJ»»d 1801., ALLEN AlflT DOWBICk (Late A. Williamson) *■ LADIES' AND OENTLEMKN'K TAILORS. ALL Orders carefully and promptly attended to. Only Beat Materials procurable kept in stock. Fit and Style guaranteed. Prices reasonable. Address — W Ihll AMTON'S BUILDINGS, Alancbester Street. •I'h-.Jxe 188. ____ WOMEN'S NATIONAL RESERVE. ; SERIES OF NURSING LECTURES. "jfV SISTER WEST, of the Health J Depurtiuent, during FEBRUARY and MARCH:— At Wiiitiina West, Feb. 9 to Feb. 14. Kiinbolton, Feb. 10 to Feb. 21. Foilding, Feb. 23 to Feb. 2S. Apiti, Mar. 1 to Mar. G. Sanson, Mar. 8 to Mar. 13. Cheltenham, Mar. 15 to Mar. 20. Kiwitea. Mar. 22 to Mar. 27. - Colyton, Mar. 29. Wholo Course of Lectures only 1/-. W.N.R. Members Free. Tickets at Carthew's, Maclean's and j D'Anvors' Bookshops. NOTICE. fjIUE Raiigiwahia Reception Coin- ■ niittee beg to notify they aro holdiuy; a Social and Danco in Itaugiwaliia Hall on WEDNESDAY, FEB. 11, 1920, as a Welcome Home to Private W. 11. McKenzio. This being the last reception of tho iibovo committee, they now tako the opportunity of extending «■ hearty invitation to all returned soldiers to be present on that date. W. E. GIBBONS, Hon. Sec. R.R.C.
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 10 February 1920, Page 3
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489Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 10 February 1920, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 10 February 1920, Page 3
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Copyright undetermined – untraced rights owner. For advice on reproduction of material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.