SIVCKSSI'TL KN'I'HIKS. I'or the s\\ iniininji to lie Ind<l in the .Municipal Haths at 'J o'clock next Saturday afternoon a capital list o| entries ha> heeii received, and suecrss X assured mi far as compel i (ion is concerned. I'/lllries closed la-~l and fli<> average is l'-\ entrants ]>vr race. Competitors are coining from Mat foil. I'almerston. and Hoii;.'.otea, as uell a- Keildiii}'. suimitieis. The handicap- uill iippear in tn-ioor. miv's IStah.
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Bibliographic details
Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 10 February 1920, Page 3
Word Count
Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 10 February 1920, Page 3
Copyright undetermined – untraced rights owner. For advice on reproduction of material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.