STIUKING STILL. (Uy Electric Telecraptt.—Copjriftht.'J ius-N.Z. Cablo Association.) (Keedved February 10. 1 p.m.) Sydney, February 1. Sykney, February IU. The ship|»ing strike warlock (oiitinues. Miitiy masters (mr oiliceis iune been pair oil. and the -ships laid up. The Hums, Philip Co. announces that so far no oifer has been received from tbo ciiftineors to purchase its island licet, but the company i> prepared in consider such when made. I lie company has purchased a .'»U!»)----loit sieameTj registered and maniic.l in England. Un- its ea-tern trade. . The nianageiiient. of the Nt'wnes oil industry announces liiat, iis tlie je-iilt ut the miners striking, Xt weeks the industry i> crippled, and a- there :uv no sinus of the men returning, the company must clo-c ihnm. So far. the miner* have lost £2>,U00
in wasiw. All I lie >.s. .lJrenien'N.mlnieiiza are conviilescent. and the .-teanicr ha> been i«-lea-ed from qiiannitim. , . The Sidney City Council has derided lo purchase a i-oalniinv lo pi.-\i'le Uiel for the municipal undertaking.
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 10 February 1920, Page 3
Word Count
Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 10 February 1920, Page 3
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