(Per Pi sea Aeeociation.) Hamilton, February 8. Tho Hamilton races opened in glorious 'weather and a record attendance. The totalisator handled £-52,891, iui increase of £10,879.
Trial Handicap, olio mile.—lsingarch 1. Demoiselle. 2, Waikorea. 3. Scratched: Arch Carreno and Middlemore. Won hy a head. Time, 1.44.
Claudelands Handicap, o furlongs.— Riiiu Luvin 7.6 1, Torfreda 5.3 2, Kilbeggan 0.12 3. Scratched: King Abbey and Bhiestone. Won by tyro lengths. Time, 1.1 3-5.
Tatnahero Stakes, 5 furlongs.— mackmail 7.11 1, Rieuse 6.11 '2, .lolly Princess 7.2 3. "Won by 12 lengths. Time. 1.1 3-5.
Jlatnilton Cdp, 11 miles. .Melee 7.'2 1. PunK-a 8.0 '2, First .Salute 7.13 3. Scratched: Kilnish and Llan.sajinor. Won by ihroe-quarli/rs of a ltvngt.li. Time. 2'M 3-5.
Waimai Hurdles, Ijj miles.—Oakloigh 1, KntewJe Cordiale 2, Arab Kinir 3. Scratched: Pemlooti. Won hy V 2 lengths. Time, ."5.18 3-5.
Karamu Wetter, I. mile.—Arch Sa- ! ute S.O 1. Convgidor 5.1.'l 2, Fdbriiiuette B.IU «. Scratched: Rnatara, Ohinewairua. Silver Pine, (Uucian, and (miUlcii Ciozier. Won b* tltreevart* c>l a length. Time. 1.--11 J.
Cambridge Handicap, (i furlonps.- — ArroH-smitli 1, Hind!» 5.7 'J. 80-IVcp «.(". ;t. Scraiched: Daytime. Won hy tlirei'-umiiters of a length. Time, 1.1.1 2-5.
H'.intnnu Handicap. G furlongs—Salraless 8.3 1. General Advance 9.0 2, Tama-a-roa 9.18 3. Scratched: Clonmel. Indooondence, Philomela. Lord Bruce. T'tu and Waikorea. Won by two leiiKtiis. Time. 1.10.
Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 9 February 1920, Page 4
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