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SALE SALE EXCLUSIVE MILLINERY at BARGAIN PRICES Ail our famous HENDERSON .HATS, to be cleared at a discount of "2o per cent. oil' the marked prices. i 5/- in the £ ate distinctive goods, which you will always take a pride in. WhilE LINEN SKIRTS Theso Skirts arc cut quite plain, with two side pockets and belt. Great value ... 17/6 MOTOR DUST COATS Ladies' in Grey and Fawn .. ; 35/Geutlemen's (good quality) ..*. 57/6 LINDSAY'S THE OUTFITTERS HULLO! HULLO! WANTED KNOWN. (JUMMEIVS hot and muggy day* >3 and nights are transformed intu Winter's Cool Surorundings at THE DAINTIES SODA FOUNTAIN MANCHESTER STREET The Home of Cool and Refreshing Fruit Drinks. Ice Cream Delicacies. Wholesome Fruit Salad. Strawberries and Cream Aiwa ye on hand in season. Cleanliness ... duality Good Service ig our Motto. Under the Special Supervision of Mr B. J. HAINES who ha* ha-c , considerable English, American and Colonial experience. A TRIAL SOLICITED. DAINTIES ICE CREAM PARLOURS Feildino "TuTaujkrs and tinsmiths REMOVED. HOPE and GOODWIN i Late P. Thompson) BEG U ..otify their customers that they have moved to NEW PREMISES further up MANCHESTER STREET. Opposite Mr Uoskins's foundry. ROMN HOr»D !'• BAKKR A..N.Z.1.*, M.8.1, A. J. HOOO AND BAKER Architects Manchester Square FEILDING APITI-FEILDING MOTOR SERVICE. Y. A. PHILLIPS. Proprietor. HAVING purchased the Apitil'V»iUlu>£ Motor Service from Mi- ,J. Beard, I hope, by courtesy and nitration to business, to merit public Miiiixirt. Time-table Hβ usual. V. A. PHILLIPS, Proprietor^ cThTITENHAM HALL. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1920 ytfELCOME HOME SOCIAL aud * » Dance will be given to Privates S. R. Harrow and J. W. Street. Oiclj.-stru of ;< instruments. Supper provided. Admission; ;.(/- and 2/-. C. !■;. JOHNSTON, Chairman of Committee. NOTICE. (\WJ.\C to my brother's ill-health, * I have taken over his Painting ;.!Kl Paiict -hanging Husiness, and will bu pleased to give Estimates for all Murk in connection with the trade. ,S;>tisfaction guaranteed. J. PETER KEN, Gladstone Street. HUGH ROBERTS Wool Broker ! FEILDINO and WANG AN CI /■"IOVERNNfENT Valuation of Wool V X and Sheepskiiw, ami Auction Saioa of Hidee and Tallow hold monthly. Hex 21. fnoue 2()2. MAKING LUUtit , . : *~'" Ko, 61 • U.A.0.D., N.I . N. 5, ■ " Dcjub Benefit CVM f 1111 h USUAL FORTNIGHTM 1 \!<otui£ «f the above will be !„ 1 „„ II I FEB. U). Vm, in the FORE^IERS , HALL, Bowen Mi out, .it 8 o'clock. Initiation and General. Members arc. request**! (>j attend and Viuitore alwaye welcomed IJv •omniarid of the A.D. O. L. SMITH, P.A. Secret wy. \|ARTON DISTRICT A. AND P, '** ASSOCIATION. Trt lie held oil the M.UJTON l{.\( ErUIIJSE (Adjoining Hailnny Station) on WEDNESDAY. .MAHCH 3. 11)20. IClu'.m.", lur II.)|-m>, P«»nie>, Ilarne.v lluis.s, Coiiipetitnuis. .Maiden. Open i Ladif.-', and Pony .Jumping. Cattle Slieep. Kal and Lambs. Pojis (iiain, l-'ruil. ahle r . and Flonn lu.lir-ii i,-~. Over £600 in prizes, in addition t( Trophies. Einrie- t-|iiM> '11l day, Ffbruaiy 17 Sili'-diiles upon iippli«:uti(m to J. ROHSON, Secretary,' l?o\ . r >,">, Marlon. ROHUIN<; ft<'HOOL (JAKDENS. \ REWARD ol I."", will bo givet tor infoiDiatiyri leading lo tlit romidion <>' thi' jHi.sotirf who stolf. \efi''tablt.'s tlDin the Chelteuhan. School (ii»i'den>. P.|{ELJMINAin - NOTICE. PAHIATUA ANNUAL EWE FAIR .MAMi.AIIAO YARDS. " MOM.'AY. I'EIUUJAIiY l-'li. W2O. milE WAIISAUAPA FARMERS 1 I CO-OP. ASSOCIATION LTD. (Stock DepU), PAHIATTA, will olfei on hehair of various clients their annual drafts of .sheep, comprising: — I X (\(\(} ! ' ;wi ' :s ipi i» a »y I o)'UUU J and .3-year-old). Fuither Entries solicited. NOTE.--The chcs liotn this district are favourably known in the Manawalu and Feilding district;-, and havv a reputation for doing exceptionally well wliei/ever they m>. The hulk of the .sheep are Roinne.v-Lineoln, _goo<l <.'lij)ping, and souud-ronstitutioncd shei'p, very suitable for breeding fut lambs.
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 9 February 1920, Page 3
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597Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 9 February 1920, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 9 February 1920, Page 3
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Copyright undetermined – untraced rights owner. For advice on reproduction of material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.