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I DON'T BE LATE AT THE LYCEUM TO-NIGHT ami TO-MORROW. Vaudeville, "Music and Pictures. The Greatest 'J'riple Attraction ever presented. First Appearance by Special Arrangeineiit with Hen and John Fuller. THE CORELLI TRIO THE CORELLI TRIO Two Violins and a Harp. The Greatest Musical Act ever imported to N.Z. Then comes the Mighty (i-rei'l First National Attraction. ANITA STEWART'S First Own Production. A MIDNIGHT ROMANCE A MIDNJ-GHT ROMANCE Anita plays the part of a mysterious beauty, one ol* the survivors of a >hipwrock, who. in spite of her charm, claims to bo but a common servant. Slipping away from tlio hotel late one night she meets wealthy Sloan while enjoying a lone dip in tho surf. Then she disappears, lie finds her at bis hotel, clad in sliiiiiinoriun silks. Thru trouble starts. Crooks. Rlackimiilors. Police A j-eal thriller. A beauty, too. A Great Supportiuj.'; Programme, and Special Music by the Lyceum's Grand Orchestra. Prices: 'J- ami !■'., plus t:ix. Killer phone IG7 for Reserves. 2/7. Children under 1"> not admitted until the schools reopen. yyur/L hall, fei lding . Under Direction . - Allan Vt'ilkie. A GREAT THEATRICAL FA KXT. A I'owerlul Drnniatic Attraction. Entire Company and .l.'iodiiet ion dir-e<-t from I lie Theatre Royal. Sydney. One Nijilit Oniv. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 12. ALLAN WTLKIE ALLAN VVILKIE ALLAN WILKIK and Miss FRKDISWYUK HUNTERWATTS The Eminent English Artist-*. supported by Allan Wilkie's Brilliant Players in the jironlest of all dramas; The Roman(ir Costume Drama - THE MIDNIGHT WEDDING THE MIDNIGHT WEDDING Rv arrangement with J. C. AVilliamvoll, Ltd. Pi.puhu- prices: .>. .% "Js. Plus tax. No early dour. ROOKS FOB SCHOOL &} /; % tv'-' IN a short time school will reopen, and the youngsters will be needing New Books Get your EDUCATIONAL REQUIREMENTS from us. We have all the tiling ] needed for S.-hool, from i)w INFANT CLASSES up to the HIGHEST STANDARDS: Reading, Arithmetic. History, Gcograpky, Drawing and Kxerc/se Books. I SLATIiS. COPYBOOKS. PENCILS, Pads, ou\ All die. Text Hooks and AilhL - necessary for the child's educational career TECHNICAL COLLEGE 000KS We have lull htiM'k:. on hand. Sco us belme school .stalls. m. cAiifiiEW i so* FELL-DING nLwlvs 'i he fTrst to show THE LATEST. LADIES' Knitted Jumpers, unite the Newest Idea in Sweater-. Sailor Collar and Cuffs, trimmed band conitaMiut; (■(dour. A l>o contrasting, baud «L waist. (V>lonts are Maine and Green, Purple and (; ( ild, Pink and Green. Blue ami Lemon, YM lid. -John Cobbc and Co. IMSTRIBUTIW; (WAW EXTRAORDINARY MEETING. AN Eiirn.'st Renju-st -is made by I ■-- the underpinned that Shareholders will forward proxio inimed'aU'ly io Iso\ !IH. Fcildinu, made in favour o( .J. .1. HRVCE. Ilinau. nr <>\VKN Mi-ELROV, KeiKliii^. A. BIIOWN, Kiwitea. .lAS. KILGOUR. F<Mt<lin-. J. 11. PERRETT, San-on. .1. S. PARSONS, KimbnltoM. I). L. YOUNGER, Fcil-liii". 4 A. 10. SA\D!!,AN'DS, Kiuitea. A. CA.MPHELL, Taonui. C E. VILE, Hulls. F. .1. BUDDY, Awahiii-i. 11. IURRELL, FoilduiK. A. E. Waituna. A. 11. ATKINSON, I'liSdmj;. !!, .1. HOOTII. Feildiiig
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 9 February 1920, Page 3
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479Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 9 February 1920, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 9 February 1920, Page 3
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Copyright undetermined – untraced rights owner. For advice on reproduction of material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.