Nie.v,vs. Abraham and William-, report: The Feildiiig Bam Fair was held iiv the A.iftociaied Auctioneers on riitirsdav and Friday under tho auspices oi the Feildiny; A. and P. So-:-ietv. Tiie total entry of 2300 raws wore submitted to auction, but the demand wite not at all keen. We made the followitu: sales: Flock Itoiunoys: AecotAit I). Baluiei', I'ohangiua. I i to
Hiis, .). 11. Mitehell. oi. 0, G'iii.s; F. Whitehead, Cunninghams, A. E. Saiidilaiid-s, Colytmi, .'4l. 3i'.*"-]. M, ij, V> and 7{;s; Honson Bros tv'> ; (J. E. Coi'pe, Cunninghams li. li to :Uk*: W. l<l. Baker, 2, i'L II «to W. Reid, Feilditi". li-s. Stud Romnevs: A. E. Sandilands, 10, 11. I 'J, 13, i'l jo Flock Lin-i-olns- R .MeHelh, Kimboltou. Flock Sonlhd'.wn-: D. W. Reid, I'Vil.linii, ; E. ltnoUi, Cai-ierlon. 'j , ,. (I\. O,C 7} io ■; R Tievan. Matiakan. :,-'\. Hliropsliire Flf«-k :R. Hevan. h^.
Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 9 February 1920, Page 3
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