KEyUJLX OF COM'i'KE.NCE. (By iiluctnc Telegraph.—Copyright.; (Aus.-A.i6. Caijic itsaocialiou.; Loud oil, Feb. o. The demand Jor tiio uatioiuili>aliou of mines was discussed to-uiylil between Air Lloyd George aud tlic i'arlanicntary Uoiuunttco of the •I'rude.s Union (Jougj'css ulid the cxecutivij Ml the- Aliueni l''cderaliuu. it will be remembered that the trader t'mon LJoiijy&ts at Gfa.sii<.nv rcsoUcd: "In the event of the GovcrnnieiH still rclusiiiy to put Jti lorce. the principle of nationalisation a .special congress he convened to dccuie tho form ol action to bo taken to compel the. Government to accept the principle.
The, dij-cussion lai=led fur an huur and a Jialf. The proceeding!* were private, but it as dialed Uiat Mx Ijloyd Uourge, indicated that the vic«t» of liuiuscii and the Guvermneiit on tbo subject were* but that 111 the scheme for coal control which ha was preparing, there was a posidbilty t#f flic recojisderatiun of certain uoints.
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 9 February 1920, Page 3
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 9 February 1920, Page 3
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