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Messrs l,owry ami "Watt liuvc boll) entered yaorlitigs to be sold at the Sydney sales next April.
Sasanol ran a joa| <j;ood race at Xew Plymouth, fiuishiujj; just outside of the placed horses.
At a recent trotting meeting at Geoloiisi a number of patrons were conu>ved to and from the course in an .i.ioplane, piloted liy Flight-Lieut. Pratt.
Kauri Kinix is iloinji regular work on t'i_' wacks at Ellerslie.
hi a case in the South recently, tho jury sac from "".30 p.m. onward, b.y consent of the judge, in order to. linis'i a case in time lor them to be free to attend the races tho following day. In an account of the track work at Ifiecarton recently, an exchange saysMason was iirst out. and sent Gloaming, iti company with Adoption, over half a mile. The champion persistently refused either to go up or jump off with his mate, even after a lot of persuasion by tho rider. Mason himself then went over to tho post, but could not not Gloaming to go from the four ir.ilonji post, but eventually ho got him to no from the three furlongs. N lien once started ho moved in very lesniutc style, and took some pulling Ul> f Tainmai and Kenilworth havo arrived at Hawora to fulfil enyageini'iita on Wednesday next.
Both Surveyor and Uonetter, winners of tho principal handicaps at New Plymouth, -were odds-on pio|iositions. Some Kid, who won very easily at kitvariun, is boing selected by some of the wise heads down south tit win the Publicans" Handicap.
Winter Wjikl will probably reprom)U Sir Geo. Clifford in the Cham. ra-rn.. .Stakes, and will bo suited liy tlie distance, six furlongs, as he is not usually a *;ood beginner, but fairly tlii's at Hio finish.
Demosthenes heads the winning ir.'s" list with over IM.O.fXK).
Mr. Greenwood has, of l'ro- • lij^.nl.
Thi- Auckland .Star, referring to tjie lunninji of tlio Hamilton Cup, says:— Kilrnsh. which went amiss, and Llansannor, \wrv the only withdrawals Uoiii the Hamilton Cup, which was a
:, (letting race. Punka finished UK favourite, but only C3O better liaiki'd than l'iist Sulttio, while Melet* ■ an<l ili,. bracketed i>ait Tinopni and Lupin also went over four : mi's, the order of the t>l hers in tho .'"•ttinic b(«inK Athens 11., Active, Mountain Gold, and Uoyal ln.>ii, with Tabasco at a very price. Thenwas no barrier post, and they were dispatched to a flan >(art. lvin-4 I,upin and Active set a very solid pace, and with luiJf a mile covered the field closed up. and as they entered 011 the con- < ludiiif: stag's were not .st!iin<; out to •niv extent, Kinu Lupin and Active tiretl oi th«> w]ien the real raeirm commenced, and once in the straight Melee shot out, closely pnr--uetl liv Punka and Fii-st Salute, and tln-v were all hard at it in tho rum down the straight. Melee Rot the decision In- three-parts of a length, half a bead separntin!i Punka and Fir-t Sa--I'ite. Hoval Irish, which was some»hat unlucky, na* dose up fuurth. ;il'oiit-a head in front of Athens U. Ihe race was run at a very fast clip a< Ihe time, 'J..'M ;.j..;. slion-s.
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 9 February 1920, Page 2
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529NOTES AND COMMENTS Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 9 February 1920, Page 2
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Copyright undetermined – untraced rights owner. For advice on reproduction of material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
NOTES AND COMMENTS Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 9 February 1920, Page 2
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Copyright undetermined – untraced rights owner. For advice on reproduction of material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.