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Feilding Star Oroua and Kiwitea Counties Gazette. MONDAY, FRIDAY 9, 1920. TIME FOR ACTION.
(Iμ: ol (lie chief curios ot this age i< 'he spirit of Taihoa with which every -oction of the community .seems to be more or loss inoculated. Taihoa is the • lop<j of the day. Everybody, and especially those in authority in State .ilhiir;.. is putting oil till ty-niorrow that which should be done to-day. Premier Mav-ey h;is set tho whole Dominion a bad example in. this regard. He Xii; wont in the days when ho was Leader oi the Opposition to aiiihind'■eil vehemently against tho'slack ness ol Sir James Carroll in regard to attending* to Native affairs. Has Mr 74tlies boon any .smarter? And what i- the matter with Mr Ma.ssey him.-ell in these latter da\-;- So mmh to do
■ ■ S.i little done! There isn't jinyilnug even uttemjitoil. l'lach setting Mm lias seen things -.till loft undone. It is a sad reflection upon tho LeaJer cl the Refotliters that leading R< l - iormers throughout the country to-
lay ha\e to rise up against theii rbit't and beg oi him lo do the tilings thai iui should have dune long ago automatically not only as a laimoi iiimseli, but as head of the Government and tho one man who can get lulu dirt.vt totjch Avith jtho powers (hat lie at Homo who control our meat supplies, and tho shipping. Why is t li«* Premier not only shirking real is■•lies, but actually denying the obvious r 1( was thought thai Sir James Alien hold tho monopoly of procrastination, obstinacy, and pi evniii ation. Ii Sir .laims i< going to London, it I looks as if the head of tho Government is tlying on the former's tripie---tiiped cloak ot evasiveness jtisf rcteired Ui. Why do uiir .statesmen preiaricnte so much ? Tlioy have an uri-neii-s.arily largo number of meals of j leeks. There is actually no need for I them to -wallow so much ( »J" this unj paint able article if they v,ould loan J more towards: open diplomacy and acknowledge the ohvioii-;. Tlie truth tiiii-t out. Why not sooner voluntarily rather than compiil-orily later r '1 hen- are rumours and mole rumours 'hat a big labour upheaval in looming oi i , i the horizon, yet tho Premier has done nothing during all tho months thi' go.'-low policy oi tmr ciahniners i ha- bei'ii openly defying the coninuinii> to assure tho people mat he ha.s : cither the coin ago or the initiative i.i M'tile one ciinoentiaU-d trouble. What ilien may bo expected of tho h-'ad of tho Cabinet if a national holdup i-omo? It is now reported that Mr Manser has eompulsonly called niinois and mineowiter-i to a coiifor-i-nce to-nsoiiow to lind a way out of the go--low euMe-sric. The value of this conference j ;i that Mr Ma---ey -is !■• pre-ide oier it-, deliberation'-. But bed', again, there ate doubt-- nitro • iiier-d --llti-ii- j-i a jlv in tlie .jintnieiit. Mi May.v denies tha' (he eoiiUreni c is , omjiulsot v. There i> the l.v Lues-, oi his policy, Tho tune is l-'iiy, past when lie should say, Please. He should now ;>ay, Uu this! and it would be d«jiif. No .slacker can deal <lle< lively Willi another >laeke!. And ii the head ot the Gow.'rnim.-ui ib lift nun to-day with tho gv-siiMv luiuer. liun can he by expected lv iivi:r;nii; (he lian..ptiit woi'kei.s who thieatuti to !:o up our tiade and tummem. 1 toiiMiiiuw r Winter i> api'ioaching with giant .-Iride-, yot ahcady our iixliistiics are starved lor lack ol coal. The i.v tmrs ale waiting ou Mr Massey i<; day with an appeal to gut then o\ ci loaded lreeziny .sloie-, emptied, eKe they will have to face great'xt season. Sugar is short, tea i- dear, coinoiit is .scaice, living is v iy costly, and it is a crime to end lite prematurely- yot the Premier goes on smiling, living the gospel of Why Worry, and not even hhowing any urgency in the reconstruction ot Ins Giibiintt, e\un though uigeiit public works are piling up. It onl\ le.mains tor the Piemiej to get that tirei! iieling alter all these months ol tho strain and :,tiess ol trying Lo do. the Taihua btiiut o!le< lively, and thon clear out with the Sanioan expedition for the whole mass of the people to get as down-hearted as many of our farmers have already got. And then<: coming of tho Prince oi Wafes will further hang up progressive measures. So shall tlie people cry: How long., O Lord, how long!
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Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 9 February 1920, Page 2
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758Feilding Star Oroua and Kiwitea Counties Gazette. MONDAY, FRIDAY 9, 1920. TIME FOR ACTION. Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 9 February 1920, Page 2
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Feilding Star Oroua and Kiwitea Counties Gazette. MONDAY, FRIDAY 9, 1920. TIME FOR ACTION. Feilding Star, Volume XVI, Issue 3929, 9 February 1920, Page 2
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Copyright undetermined – untraced rights owner. For advice on reproduction of material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.