THEIR. SKOMSTAItY'S REPLY TO THE PREMIER. I'BR PBKBB ASSOCIATION. Wellington, February 23. Replying to the Premier's statement made yesterday regarding railAvaymoii's demands, Mr Mack, secretary of the Raihvaymcii'K Association, said: — " 1 am not anxious at the present moment to cuter into a newspaper controversy, but I think the charges demand a' reply. As to being impatient, there is a limit to every man s patience. Let those who talk about patience and rushing into print work a fcAV shifts in the Wellington goods shed or shunting yard at Is l-£d per hour, or ivrite to tlio Minister of Railways, as wo have done seven weeks ago, or even wait upon tho Prime Minister, as my executive (representing 8500 men) did on November 22 last, and not bo favoured with the courtesy of a reply to representations made.-and I think their patience will be taxed to the uttermost. Is such treatment as that playing tlio game or creating dissension aiid difficulty and making mischief? In short, who is responsible for this dissension and difficulty? My executive have been making representations to tho Minister and endeavouring to restrain men by counselling them to be patient, until, as is indicated by tho resolutions appearing in tho press, they aro almost out of hand. I have not commented on the nature of our recent interview, neither did I express or imply at thatititervicAV that avc would bo satisfied with a reply in a month. It was only after pressing the Prime Minister for a definite reply (which up to this tiiiio avc have been unable io get) that I asked, 'Will you say definitely that you will give us a reply :within a month ?' Mr Massey replied. 'Yes; Aye can do that. Can't Aye. Mr Herries?' Mr Herrics again qualified tho promise by saying, 'It all depends on the Minister of Finance.' HoAvever." Mr Mack concluded, "wo are waiting patiently and hopefully for tho result."
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Feilding Star, Volume XII, Issue 2878, 24 February 1916, Page 3
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326THE WORKER. Feilding Star, Volume XII, Issue 2878, 24 February 1916, Page 3
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