N.Z.L AND M.A. CO.'s WEEKLY REPORT. ■■- The Now Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co. report:— During the week we have held our regular sales at Rangiotu, Apiti, Rongotea, Palmerston North, and Feilding, and have also conducted dispersal sales on account of Mr R. A. Dick, at Apiti, on Monday, and on account of tho estate 'af. the late W. Mitchell, Kiwitea, on'■'Eiursday. In conjunction with Dalgety and Co., Ltd., we held the annual sale of dairy stock on account of Mr S. il. Lancaster. At Rangiotu on Monday wo had a .-. good entry of cattle, which sold freely at recent rates. Small weaners 10s to 20s, tjood -weaner heifers 32a Gd, 18----montlie steers £3 to £1 lis, 18-months heifers £3 7e 6d, £2 lis, £2 Ms Od, springing heifors £5 5s to £5 10s, dairy cows £4, £4 los, £5, good dairy cows £7 ss, £8 10s, £8 12s 6d, store cows £2 Is,' £2 17s, £3 Bs, £3 10s, forward cows £4, £4 14s, £5 9s 4 , £5 . lis, fat cows- £9. At Apiti on Tuesday we had a good entry of both sheep and cattle, and have to report a good clearance at full rates. Dull lambs 7s 9d to' 8s 7d, small lambs 12s 2d to 12s 9d, fair ewo lambs 18s 6d, forward cows £4 to £4 10s, fab and forward cows £6 7s 6d, springing heifers £4 15s to £5 17s 6d, dairy cows £5 5s to £7 2s 6d, and £8 5s to £9. At Rongotea on Wednesday a small entry of sheep and cattle sold as under: Store owes 18s Cd, aged owe* 10s, slips 17s, aged store cows £2 los, store cows £4 6s. At Palmerston on Thursday wo had a heavy yardiug of cattle aud a small entry of sheep. The entry of fat and forward cows and heifors on account of Mr 'R. A. McKenzie did not meet with keen competition at auci tion, but wo were successful in placing the bulk of the lino at satisfactory prices, and very few cattle went out unsold. Aged ewes 12s Id, mixed lambs 14s, fat hoggets 18s 9d, fat ewes 25s 9dj fat and forward S.H. and P.A. cows and heifers £9 10s to £10 10s, 6tore cows £3, £3 10s Gd, £4 2s 6d, £4 7s, forward powa £4 18s to £5 10s, empty heifers £3 Is to £3 lis, light fat cows £6 to £6 18s, springing cows £5 17s (kl to £6 ss. | At Feilding on Friday we had a heavy yarding of 'both sheep and cattle. Competition was keen for all classes of stock, and we sold all our cheep and the bulk of the cattle at very satisfactory prices.. We offered a good selection of fat' sheep, which sold well, a well-finished line of woolly hoggets offered on account of Mr C. Carr realising 32s Gd. Hoggets (small) ■ ■ 12s to 13s 3d, others 14s 5d to los 9d, b.f. hoggets 17s, medium ewo hoggets 18s Gd, good ewo hoggets 21s 2d, good mixed hoggets 20s 6d to 225, inferior ewes in lamb 16s 6d, 2, 4, and 6-tooth ewes in lamb, on account of Mossrs Waugh, of Kimbolton, 26s 6d to 27s 2d, fat shorn hoggots 24s 6d, fat woolly hoggets 32s 6d, b.f. wethers (light) 30s, fat wethers 33s to 33s 3d. to 345-6 d, aged rams, lis to los, weaner steens 30s, weaner heifers 34s • to 38s, yearling steers £2 15s, 15----months heifers £2 15s to £2 16s, store cows £3 13s to £4 16s, forward cows £5 4s to £5 17s, 2-year steers £5 16s to £5 17s, 25-year steers £6 15s, heifers in calf £4 to £4 12s 6d, springing 3-year hoifers £6 10s. A line of 12 dairy cows on account of Mr P. M. Beverley realised £9 12s 6d. At Mr Dick's sale at Apiti on Monday there was a large attendance of the public, but bidding for the cows was not particularly brisk. Tho following prices were realised: Best cows £7 10s to £10 ss. fair cows £6 5s to £7, backward and old cows £3 i 5s to £5 os, S.H. bulls £11 10s to | £12 ss, 20-months heifers in calf £3 15s, empty heifers £3 2s, wearier heif-1 ers 365, cull ewes 7s 6d, ewes in lamb ■ 22s 9d, inferior lambs 10s od, aged rams 13s 6d, sows in pig £2 10s to £3 2s 6d, boar 10s, slips los, aged light draughts £10 10s to £17, 7-yeav gelding £10, 3-year spring-carter £25 10s, pony £4, drill £25. Numerous implements and sundries realised good values. At Mr Lancaster's sale on Tuesday and Wednesday (held jointly with Dalgety and Co., Ltd., buyers wero present from local and outside district*. Pedigree Jersey cows logns to 38gns, "> pedigree heifors Ugns to 30gns, pedigreo yearling bulls lOgns to Signs, pedigree two-year to three-year bulls llgns to 58gns, grade Jersey bulls sgns to 12gns, grade Jersey cows' in milk £6 to £12, grade Jersey oows (springing) £11 to £19, others £6 to £9, others to £6 10s. At the Mitchell Estate s'alo on Thursday there was a largo attendance of buyers and a good sale resvilted. The stock were of good quality, and sold well. Best cows realised £9 '■ ' to £15 10s, fair cows £7 to £8 15s. backward and.aged cows £3 15s to £6 ' 10s, pedigree Jersey cow 15gns, p.b. weaner heifers pedigree Jereey bull (K. See XV) Ugns. Jersey yearling heifers £4 2s 6d. others 35s to £2 10s ; mixed hoggets 20s 2d, Rom- ■' ney rama 17s; "aged draughts £30 to £S5, hacks £4 os to £los. aged gelding £9; a line of two-tooth ewes ou account of Mr W. F. Jacob realised 31s 3d. i GORTON'S WEEKLY REPORT. During the past week we held sales at our Bulls, Hunterville, Rongotea, and Feilding yards. At Bulls we submitted a fair yard- * ing of sheep and a full yarding of cattle. The demand was ■ restricted and a number of lots failed to reach vendors' reserves.-. At Hunterville there was, a ■ small entry, all lots selling at late prices. At Rongotea we submitted a heavy catalogue of cattle. All classes, with the'exception of weaner heifers, were in strong demand, and prices were higher. Some exceptionally good sorts ■ - of springing heifers were yarded, for - which there was keen competition. At Feilding we had an average yarding of sheep and a very heavy entry of cattle. The demand for hoggets, wethers,' and fat sheep was again animated, and prices -ral.ta nigh. We submitted soriie extra good lots of - wes in«lamb, but the prices obtained •were disappointing. In cattle all lots ,of young steers were in strong demand, as were well-grown 3-year dairy heifers close to profit. In fats our yarding was of medium quality. Prices -~.-; were, however, firm at last week's .: rates. Forward and store- cows met with a ready sale at increased prices. Quotations: — At Bulls: F.M. ewes with Romney rams 23s to 26s 7d. good Woolly hoggets 265, medium hoggets 16s, small hoggets 7s Id to 9s. Cattle: Light beef cows £5 5s to £7, forward empty / - cows £4 ss, springing cows £4 10s to * £5 12s 6d, springing heifers £4 12s 6d to £6, Shorthorn yearling heifers £3 6s, 3-year steers £7 los. At Hunterville: Medium hoggets 13s to 14s Id, mixed age eAves in lamb to Romney rams 21s 9d. Cattle: Fat! ..heifers £8 2s fid, cows in calf £1 8s to £6,105, springing heifers £6 15s, I store Cows £3 to £3 7s, weaner steers 395, do. heifers -17s to 38s, 20-niontlus steers £4 18s to £5 os, Erltlls £3 10s to £6 12s 6d. .At Rongotea: Best lambs 17s 6d, medium lambs 14s 6d to 14s lOd, b.f. i lambs 13s 3d. Cattle: Fat cows £6 to £8 2s 6d, forward cows £4 to £-5 ' . Is, store cows. £2 to £3 6s, cows in milk £8 10s, best springing heifers £8 to £9, others £6 to £7 ss, backAvard sorts £3\ los to £5, 20-months steers £5, yearling steers £2 7s 6d to £3 0s 6d, weaner. steers 27s to 38s, weaner heifers 25s to 325. At Feilding: On account H. Whitehead, 152 4, 6, and 8-tooth ewes with Down rams 235; account Barnes
Bros., 85 2-tooth ewes and wothors 255, 34 medium hoggets 16s 7d, 226 r woolly hoggets 20s sd; account T. Hughes, 30 b.f. hoggets 13s6d; ac- . count J. Waugh, sen., 112 mixed hoggets 17s 9d, 12 woolly do. £1 Is; ac- • count G. Boiler, 19 hoggets £1 0s 4d, 4 fat wothors 34s 6d; account J. 11. McLean, 160 2-tooth ewes in hunb to " Rohvnoy rams 31s; account T. Leon, 198 empty owes 17s 7d; account T. - Lowry, 130 mixed hoggets 22a 2d; ' account W. Fergusson, 30 light fat ' GWOB and wothors 22s -Oil, 35 b.f. Inmbs , 10s 9d; account W. A. Bell, 20 fat hoggets 21s Gd, 28 hoggets 18s; account 0. Managh, 37 fat ewes 255. Cattlo: Fat oows £7 2s 0(1 to £9 15s, forward cows £4 14s to £5 Is, store cows £2 5s to £3 los. sjiringing cows £6 10s to £I'o, coavs in calf £4 9s Od to £o, best springing hoiferti £7 5s t« £8 10s, other springers £5 17s Gd to £6 10s, Hereford yearling steers £1 14s Gd, P.A. yearling steors £4 os, Shorthorn yearling steers £4 10s Gd, othor yearling steers £3 to £3 2s 6d, empty heifers £2 17s to £3 15s, Aveaner heifers 26s to £2 ls, store bullocks £8 2s to £10 10s. ABRAHAM AND WILLIAMSREPORT. Abraham and Williams report on their Feilding sale yesterday: We had yarded 3300 sheep, including close on 1.000 prime wethers 'and ewes off turnips. There was a largo attendance-of buyers, including hutellers from north and 6outh. All sheep sold particularly well, and- avo quitted every pen at satisfactory prices. Wo quote: Fat sheep, on account Bruco's Estate, Cheltenham, 178 prime wethers 35s 7d, 27 medium wethers 31s, 62 prime* ewes 30s Id, 3G do. 30s, 47 lighter sorts 25s 6d. 6 fat lambs 22s 6d; on account F. Stevens, Kai lwi, 40 fat ewes 26s 3d; on account C. Masters, 95 prime ewes 32s 7d; on account E. A. Twigg, 42 prime ewes, 30s lOd ; on account H. Stewart Waiata, 51 prime wethers 33s 3d, 30 fat eives 2Gs 4d ; on account C. Managh, Halcombe, 107 prime wethers 325, 4G fat do. 29s 6d. Store sheep, on account J. Kolsall, Hiwinui, 380 hoggets 18s sd, 78 do. 16s lid, 148 do. 18s od; on account J. McDonald, 400 hoWets 17s sd, 116 do. 14s Id; on account Wilton Bros., W ? hakaronga, 118 lioggets 20s 7d; on account A. Geange, 200 hoggets 18s Sd, 113 do. 19s 10d, 65 do. 13s sd; on account J. Lane, Marton. 203 owes in lamb to Romney rai«s ; 2-ls, 67 do. 19s Gd;' on account J. Stevens, Kai lwi, 58 ewes in lamb to S.D. rams 265; on account W. Fay, "Sandon,. 82 6-tooth owes in. lamb to S.D. rams 295; on account T. .LeenJ 196 empty eAves 16s 6d; on: account W. Anderson, Waiata, 48 ewes in lamb to S.D. rams 22s 2d; on account H. Stewart, 22 empty eAves 14s 3d. Jersey cows close to profit no to £8 _s 6d, sringing Jersey heifers £610s, store coavs £2 7s to £3 17s, weaners, (small) 20s, 295, to 335. fonvard cows £5 17s, small bulls £2 Is. FEILDING PRODUCE MARKET. Atkinson, Ltd.., report very little doing in the potato market and prices , easier. For pigs tho demand Avas not so keen as it was last week. Potatoes £6 to £6 10s per ton, pig £2 10s, Star seed £4 10s; baled hay £6 to £7, Algerian seed oats 7s 6d bush., feed oats 5s to 5s 4d; horse carrots £2 10s to £3, wheat straw chaff £4 10s, O.S. chaff £8 to £9, feed barley 0s bush., peas 6s, beans 6s 6d, Scotch tares 16s. Weaner pigs 14s 6d to 15s, slips, and - small stores 13s to 21s, stores 27s to 30s, porkers*32s too 365, soavs £3 10s to £4 7s 6d; hens (per pair) 3s 6d to 4s 3d, roosters 4s 9d to 5s 6d, ducks 5s 3d to 5s 9d, geese 7s to 9s. DALGETY'S FEILDING SALE. Dalgety and Co. report having a very fair entry of both sheep and cattle at their Feilding sale yesterday, the 6th inst., which sold as below: Cull hoggets to lis Bd, small do. to 13s-9d, mixed do., to 19s, mixed age ewes in lamb to 26s 6d, 4 and 6tooth eAves in lamb to 29s 9d, yearling heifers £1 15s, 15-months heifers £3 10s to £3 15s, AA-eaner steers to £1 18s 6d, yearling steers to £2 14s, dairy 'heifers £4 lis to £5 14s 6d, forAvard coivs £6 2s 6d. CRUTCHING SALE. The local woolbrokers held a crutcking sale to-day. About 1400 bales AA'.ere catalogued and evoked fair competition for good lots, but seedy crutchings were neglected. Fine crossbreds made. per lb, medium to coarse'do. I_d to 12_d, pieces and bellies Bsd to. 9|d, locks and stained pieces 6d to Bd, superior crutchings 13d to 14d, good to 1 medium crutchings 12d to 14d, good to medium crutchings 12d to 13d, seedy and inferior do. 6d to 9*d, lambs 8d to 13d, dead wool Bid to 13£ d. mmmjmvmmmwmmmmm '
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Feilding Star, Volume XI, Issue 2785, 7 August 1915, Page 3
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2,230COMMERCIAL. Feilding Star, Volume XI, Issue 2785, 7 August 1915, Page 3
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