DAW'S LIVERY AND BAIT STABLES. FEILDING, ••■:;■ Next The Temple of Fashion. Kimbolton Road. ROACHES TO IJIRMINGH4S/ Daily (Sundays exoepted) TIME-TABLE: : Leave Feilding . . . . 8.30 a.m# Arrive Birmingham . . 11.30 a.in,, Leave Birmingham . . l.Sti pJn. Arrive Feilding .. .. 4 p.tti^ COACHE3 TO PEMBEHTON ! Leare Feilding— Monday 8, Wednesdajs.,and Friday* at 8.30 a.m. ' Leard Pemblarton— Tnesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 8.30. a.m. , ;.;$ 1 Parcels and Luggage collected a,t Hotels and Stores, and delivered anywhere on the road.' ,i - if PRINGLE & RICHARDSON, ' A _^_ ■■ - ■■•■■'' '■' EMPITIE LIVERY AND BAIT STABLES, FEILPING. I MAIL COACHES to Birmingham Daily (Sundays excepteij. : Time-table. 1 Leave Feilding... ... 8.80 a.m. Arriye Birmingham ... 11.16" a.mi Leave Birmingham ... 1.15 p.m. ~ Arrive. Feilding ... 8.80 p.m. Parcels and luggage collected ?$& hotels and stores and delivered any* where on the road. ' .' p OB B A: N D CO" 8 TELEGRAPH LINE OF COACHES. Between •■■<<**>■ : :x BIRMINGHAM A#D, FEILJDIjCI^r. Leave Mr Lowes' Hotely Birmingham, MONDAYS, THUkSDvVYS, ANJ) SATUEDAYS ':■•'" At ß.Boa.m. ..,,;? Leave Hastie's Hotel, Feilding; -on arrival oi Mail Train from North at ■•■' ; - ; 4ilo'p;mV ;t ** lt - v * All goods and parcels for Apiti carefully forwarded; • • Buggies, saddle Horses, &0., Ac., always on hire at Mr Lowe's Hotel. W. M^NAGrJIi ' X', PBOPJBIETOB. N.B.— W.M. is MaU Contractors^ tween Fowler's (Birmingham)" 4nd Apiti. ■ : •■-■^ I - "«?♦ BRADFORD'S IEILDING HORSE BAZAAR. (Opposite the Assembly Rooms.) : K 1 m b o l to n' K 6 Ai>, ■ feilding. . ;; MR G. B. BrTdFOSD, having leased the above, wishes to announce that he is prepaid to-sup-ply all descriptions of Vehicles and Horses at moderate prices, G.BJS. also undertakes Castrating ajid Speying. : ' A Ladies' Waiting-room has nov been fitted upon tbe premises, and ladies, i can rely on. finding every convenience. ; " Attention and Civility" is mj motto. Paddocks for horses. Every care taken, but no reaponaibilily. G. B. BRADFORD, • Feilding Stables QUONG LEE, / FRUITEKER, TQBACCONIST, a«9 GENERAL srORKKEEPER, Fbbousson Stbbkt, FEILDING. "pvEALEE in Fancy Goods, all kinds of Grooeries and Provisions. Cash Bayer of Fungus in any quantity, : Give my Austral Teas a trial— sold at 2/-, 2/6, 8/-, and 4/- per lb. A pure tea, blended by Mr Whong Kew» ot Wellington. r CHELTENHAM HOTEL. THOMATBYAf,; Proprietor. First-class Stables and Paddocks. Special accommodation for fishing and shooting parties. THIS old and, weU-eatablished Hotel is in the centre of one of the most prosperous districts in the colony, and is replete with all the advantages of a private home. : Only the best brands of Spirits, Wines, and Ales in stock. . T ' Coaches arrive and depart every day. THOMAS BYAN, Proprietor. HOYAL HOT£L, STABLES Kangitikei Line, PALMEKSTON NORTH. RD. BROWNE notifies that he has taken the above stables, and persons may rely on their horses and vehicles receiving every attention. ■ ■.!.. ...■■;>. Saddle. Horses and Buggies always ready for hire; Charges strictly moderate, and steady, attentive groom always in attendance. Commercial Travellers driven to any part of the district. Letter* aud telegrams promptly attenoed to. E. D. BBOWNE, Proprietor, Royal Hotel Stables and Occidental Horse Bazaar. GOOD NE'VS! ~ TO meet tbe increasing wants of th» people of iPalmeraton for higb<elass photographic work, I have taken into partnership Mr T. W. Bunting. Mr T. W. Bunting has been about nine years engaged in photographic work, and during that time has been employed in the studios of Messrs Wrigglesworth and Binns, Price and O'Malley, Wellington; Eden George, of Dunedin ; Carnell, of Napier, and for the past few years at Woodville. His portrait work for softness, grace of pose* naturalness of expression and perfect finish is acknowledged to he fully equal to best Wellington productions. Sitters will find every comfort at the studio, which has been refitted. BILLENS AND BUNTING, PHUTUGKAPHERS, PA LMERSTOIV NORTH.
Page 4 Advertisements Column 7
Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 99, 9 February 1893, Page 4
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