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IJll I lll« Iffi W ififlUDiiX li li Ui^Ui lltr It i 1 1 11 ill V I 111 1 lUr til a^sSßHa^a^a^a^a^a^H H 'JWh .f RANGES ! RANGES ! ! RANGES ! ! ! Sole makers of the celebrated CORNISH COOKING RANGES. ACKNOWLEDGED by all to he the strongest, most economical, and by far the best Cooking Range in the Colony, i'astry, scones, etc., baked in less than ten minutes. The ovens are portable, can be removed to be thoroughly cleaned or to effect repairs without the expense of re-setting the range. Ranges for country use supplied with fire-places for burning 10 inch to 2ft wood. Ovsr 50 designs to Wbbral diSc'Sßnt allowrd to the trade. Agent for Feilding and surrounding districts, — ME. C. H. HOSKING, Engineer, Manchester Street. S. LUKE AND SONS, MANNERS STREET, WELLINGTON. 'compliments of the RODERICK SHEEHY, SEASON. BLACKSMITH & FAEEIER, (Next door to Mr Hosking, Engineer) I AM not accustomed to the usual '• blow " with which the public are MANCHESTER STREET. now quite nauseated, but have always 0 7i LAC KSMlTHS' endeavoured, and will continue, to give J\ GOOD VALUE FOR CASH WORK done at REASONABLE for all kinds of Furniture. RATES HORSES SHOD, I have nn excellent s.ock of K ood R g b y~ ric t attention to sound, substantial turniture.-rlncli lam bußluegß aud good wor kmanship to offering at exceptional value at the pre. deserve a share ot public SU p por t. " Dt tim °- _ ARTHUR L. PABE, COACHBUILDRR & 'SKNERAL T BRENT BLACKr-MITH, i . x> x\ xj r* x , Kimbolton Road, Feildingf, FURNITURE WAREHOUE. Manchester Stbeet. "DEGS to thank the pnUic at largre j--^ Jor t j ie favours extended him DET^r^CM during 1 the past, and hopes, by good ■ r tvlUtlNj work and strict attention to b'l^iuess, STEAM SASH, DOOK, & FURNI- to merit a still larger patronage in TUBE FACTORY. the future. PALMEKSTON NOBTH, HAS great pleasure in announcing to Vehicles of all kinds built of the his old patrons and the public , . , generally that he has opened his new ™*} material. premises with nn entirely fresh stock of Special care taken in Horse ShoeFURNITURK IN ALL DE- ing. PAKTMENTS. Repairs neatly and promptly cxcBedding, Carpets, Liooleums. Toilet cu t e <l Sets, Ac, &c , &c, of the newest and Estimates triven ior all iron work. latest designs, such as cannot be sur- " passed ana which he is selling at prices guaranteed for to meet the times. n To parties furnishing, attention is twolve months directed to the following special lines rnxT-ci PTIfPlVrTir TTnTT?T. and prices:— irLri J - LU2ii^ l^ Xl^ J -^ IJ - Suits of Furniture, from £12 15s Od Eanoitikhi Stbeet. Kitchen Tables, from ... 8s bd PALMEESION NORTH. Austrian Chairs ... 7s Od — American Chairs ... 3s 6d T)Y keeping none but the very best Spring Mattrasses, from 18s (3d J3 Brands of WINES and SPIRITS, A cordial welcome will be extended to and giving first class Accommodation at all visitors without being pressed to moderate charges, tho Proprietor hopes to purchase. still further increase the popularity of Note the address — this welUknown and favorite Hotel. W PEGDEN Hot ' Cold and shower Baths. FURNITURE WAREHOUSE, Guestß ca ned G ir?ime^ b or D B r eakfa 8 t for TjEf-?^!!'-^ 0^??--- early Trains. MANAWATU FOUNDRY, Main Street West. WILLIAM RYAN, PALMERSTON NORTH, PROPRIETOR. WOOLCOCi & SON, DAVID HUMPHRIES, Blacksmiths, Mechanics, Ironfounders, Baker AND CONFECTIONER, and Range-makers. Ranges made to "buTn either Wood or BUNNYTHORPE, Coal. A large stock always, on hand to select T)AYS regular daily visits to Feildfrom. J7 ing and surrounding districts. Turning and Screwing done for the trade. Best wheaten Bread 6d the 41b HAVING added a Foundry to our es- ' tablishment, we are now in a posi- /-!*•• ttt i t tion to supply our Celebrated Cornish Fancy Confectionery, Wedding and ( ooking Ranges, also other classes of Birthday Cakes, a specialty. ranges of a special design at greatly reduced prices, which will make them the Only the best materials used. cheapest and most durable range in the market. The Ovens are portable, and Terms : Cash or Monthly. can bo removed to be thoroughly cleaned, in TTTTT^prrpTpirf or to effect repairs without the expense . D ' ttU^i'rlKmb. of re- setting the range. Fire-places for T^EILDING BUTCHERY. the ranges can bo supplied if necessary ji to burn wood any length up to 2ft. Manchester Street, High pressure boilers of our own make and design can be made to fit any range. wrvvr VT?M ion WT<iT*R"PT Circulating boilers made all sizes. WOOLVEN AND NlfeßE TT, Colonial Orens on hand and made to Tropriktors. order. ■ Grave Yard Railings made on the pre» W. and N. beg to notify to the imFes. residents of Feilding and district that a m £. they have taken over the old eatab..dom^fcrt* Halied business which has beon car--5239E5x, r * e^ on or man y vears p as^ by «Ic2?3G9Sfe^ H. Rutherford, aud trust, by supplyine only the best quality of meat, to PHOTOGRAPHERS, merit a continuance of the patronage T¥ . _ so liberally bestowed on their preBy special appointment to His Ex- ecessor . celency the Earl of Glasgow, ' G.C.M.G, and the Countess Families waited on daily for orders, of Glasgow. tt At> • -»r 7T~I O3 , r . Small goods ot every description. First Prize Medalists Sydney, Mcl- Terms : Cash. bourne and New Zealand Exhibitions, UNITED FARMERS' ALLIANCE, _____ jLijktjsd. Established 1868. FORMERLY THE WEST COAST WRIGGLESWORTH AND farmers' association tjtxtxtq (Limited) and the CO-OPERA-•t>I.-N_No» TIV E AND FARMERS' AL7, Willis Stbeet. LIANCE ov NEW ZEALAND WELLINGTON, (Limited). \T" ILL, during tho balance of the riIHESE Companies buying now ** month of November and X amalgamated, are prepared to through the whole of December, receive Produce of every description MAKE SPECIAL CONCESSIONS for disposal (locally or for shipment ) The premises at W ellington are cool, in their prices for large-sized Family and well adapted for storeage. and other groups for Christmas pres- All station and farmers requisites supents, New Year's Gifts and Preseu- plied, tations Cash advances made on wool and all kinds of produce on favorable terms. nmTn/-iT-nmi7AnrnTT . viv F° r particulars apply to the under* WRIGGLE SWORIH AIN D sign ed : To the offices of the Alliance, BINNS Waterloo Quay, Wellington; to Mr W. 7 wmia QTI)lfl?T 7 Small, Agent, Wanganui; to E.J. Arm- / \>iL<i>lo Csi.iiijJ.iX / strong, Palmerston North ; or any other Nearly opposite the Empire Hotel. of the Directors. Telephone 101. L. C. WILLIAMS, Manager, Wellington. G. W. SHAILER, — — : Main Strkkt, Palmkrbton North, C MPIRE LUNCHEON & SUrPER V\ ILL F SIDAY EII^ IN a 6V W y The Oyste? A Sho C ;°o? . , £ , ' o * I Oyster season 18W. Bowles, Manchester Street, where -yy SIMMONS Patrons can have PhotograpliHfi^ Smoked Fish and ishedj m the Latest btyle, includicg Shell Fish of every kind, the new Matt Marble lype. A l so p ou lterer and Licensed Dealer in ■ Game. G. W. SHAILER, Visitors to Wellington are invited to call PALM hRM ON INOKTII WILLIS STKEET. WELLINGTON.
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Bibliographic details
Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 99, 9 February 1893, Page 4
Word Count
1,147Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 99, 9 February 1893, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 99, 9 February 1893, Page 4
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