W. G. SHEARER, CABINET-MAKER, &o. ' BEING Overstocked in many lines, I have decided to offer special ■ advantages during the remainder of this mouth. Intending purchasers ] would do well to avail themselves of I this opportunity of buying cheap I i Furniture, and having a free giuss in the Pea Competition, which will posi- ( tively close not later than the end of . this month. [Due notice of the ( counting out will be given to all cou- j pon holders.] Don't miss this chance of securing bargains at the FURNITURE WAREHOUSE, FEILDING. BOTANIC DISPENSARY. Manchestfb Stbeet, FEILDING. STANDARD HERBAL REMEDIES. Blood Pukifieu. — For all cases of impure blood, scrofula, eruptions, pimp!es, blotches, boils, etc. Toxic Liver Mixture. — For biliousness, constipation, etc. Indigestion Mixture. — Gives instant relief in the worst cases of dyspepsia, flatulancy, etc. Extracts for making summer drinks : Raspberry Vinegar, Ginger Wine, Wine, Is per bottle A Is bottle of Herb Beer Extract makes eight gallons of Herb Bber, or Botanic Ale. Sanitary Fluid (equal to Condy) Is, Nursery Hair Lotion, Vaseline Pomade, Quinine, and Iron Tonic, etc. F. GKOVES. ROLLER FLOUK. MESSRS CHAMBERLAIN BROS, flour has again come to the front. Their mill is now fitted up with the latest patent — the Cornelius Roller Mill — which is the tirbt and only one of the kind iv the Colony. It is turning out one oi the finest classes of flour in the market. Ask your storekeepers for it. Chamberlain Bros, are also pro ducing at their mill, a beautiful flake} Wheatmeal, Try it lor porridge, bread, and pastry. It is remarkably sweet and tasty. Crushed Oats can always be ob taiued at the Mill. Crushing dene at 3d per bushel. T. R. CHAMBERLAIN, Manager SPECTACLES N. Lazarus & Co., OCULIST OPTICIANS, London, Calcutta, and 281 and 283, Collins Street, Melbourne. By appointment to H.E. the Marquis of Dufferiu, ex- Viceroy of India, etc., etc., etc., HAVE APPOINTED MR R. LEAEY, Chemist, SOLE AGENT FOR PALMERSTON NORTH, Who has been thoroughly instructed in our system of sight testing (attend 4354), which is now being universally adopted, and may be consulted for Spectacles or Eye-glasses daily. fTUIE Medical Profession and all JL interesed in Optical Science are invited to see this beautiful test, and all the lust improvements in Lenses and Frames as prescribed by Ophthalmic Surgeons. OUR » SPECIALITE" SPECTACLES and EYE-GLASSES, fitted lenses, correcting the defects of each eye, aud in frames adjusted for comfort aud good appearance, are, in nearly all cases, supplied AT ONCE, after the eight is tested by our agents, or (in preference) on the prescriptions of Ophthalmic Surgeons. GEORGE L. LAY; A CCOMMODATiON HOUSE, J\ AND GENERAL STOREKEEPER, PEMBERTON, Is now prepared to supply settlers with Stores of all descriptions. Also, to vroyide comfortable accornmodiUkm to travelers. CHARLES DAHL — HAS — CANVASS Tarpaulins, Rick and Stack Clotha, and Waterproo^ Sheets always in stock and make to order. If not obtainable from the local storekeepers, send direct to the Depot at Palmertton North. CKOFTS' Private Institution for the Deaf and Dumb, and those uffiicted wuh Stuttering, Stanimerinii. or other impediments of the speech. MR H. E. CKOFTS guarantees a complete cure in every case he takes in hand of 'he above nature. For terms, &c, apply H. R. CKOFTS, " Pahkoua." St. Mury Street, Tinukori lioad, Wellington. ~c'oLyton~butchery. DUGALD HENDERSON, Proprietor. DTT BEGS to notify to tho . JLJ. c residents of Colyton and surrounding districts that he has I taken over the old-established bu si- | ness lately carried ou by Messrs Ent- j wisle and Filch, at Colytow, ami | trusts, by bti^lyiug only tho best ' qualities of meat, to merit a fair! share of public patronage. Carls run regularly throughout the , district. j _— | Small goods of every description. ' Terms : Cash or Mont-lily.
Page 4 Advertisements Column 3
Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 99, 9 February 1893, Page 4
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