Certainly the best medicine known is Sameb and Sons' Eucalypti Extract. Test its eminently powerful effects in coughs, colds, influenza; the relief is instantaneous. In serious cases, and ac oidents of all kinds, be they wound>. burns, scaldiags, bruises, sprains, it is the ."-afest remedy — no swelling — no in-ii.-ininiation. Ltte surprising effects produced in croup, diphtheria, bronchitis, inflammation of the lun^s. swelling, «fee. ; diarrhoea, dy sentry, diseases of the Kill neya and urinary organs. In ' us« at hospitals and medical clinics all over the globe; patronised by His Majesty the King of Italy ; crowned with medal and diploma at International Exhibition, Aui.Nterdani. Trust in this approved article and reiect ail others. — Advt
DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING and Needlework of every description neatly and quickly executed by the undersigned. Latest fashions always on hand. MISS AMESBURY, Denbigh Street, Feilding. MU SIC. MR J. HYDE PAEKEE, who has studied under the best London Professors, visits Feilding twice a week. Lessons elementary and finishing. Proficiency guaranteed. Address— Office of this paper. Unexceptionable References. WILLIAM HEALD, Builder and Contractor, SASH AND DOOR FACTORY (Near Railway Station), Feilding. STOCK raizes, Sashes and Doors always on hand. Mouldings, Match Lining, &c, produced on the shortest notice. HENDERSON & BRIDGE, (Formerly of Wanganui, New Plymouth, and Bulls), BEG to notify to the public of Feilding, and District, that they have purchased the old-estab-lished Brewery business carried on by Mr Wrightson for the past six years. A large stock of grains on hand. Fresh yeabt daily. OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT. FEILDING BOOT& SHOE DEPO'i. Moutiigut-'e 1-iuildinge, Manchc'ii-r Sirct'i. MESSRS THACKEit a>jj PALLANT Have Now Oi-e.m.ij With a splendid stock of i ; « J i - .-", tlemen's and children's BOOTS AND S H i.n. s As Messrs Thacker and Pallunt a:o their own manufacturers, and <v ;ib same time import from the best t^ial - lishments in England and on tbe L\i;tinent, patrons inuy rely ou obtaiun ;: only the very best articles at the vuiy lowest prices. Storekeepers and the Trade supplied. THACKER & PALLANT. LIVERPOOL AND LONDON A>D GLOBE INSURANCE C< >MPAN V, Established 1836. Investec Funds £7,521,949 Claims Paid £20,316,928 Fire Reserve Fund ... £1,850.000 THIS Company offers to insurers the security of invested funds amounting to over seven million pounds sterlling, besides the unlimited liability of a yery wealthy proprietary. By a Special Act of the New Zealand Legislature, the company is in a position to sue or be sued in this colony. This Company has ever been noted for its promptitude and liberality in settling claims. Lowest current rates for all classes of Fire Insurance. LEVIN & CO., Agents, Wellington. Local Agent — JOHN PRIOR. Solicitor O H N S T EWA K T . Colyton, TIMBER and WOOL CARTER. Apply, peraonally, or by letter, to Post Office, Coiytou, or at his resi- ' deuce, Aehurst lioad.
Page 4 Advertisements Column 1
Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 99, 9 February 1893, Page 4
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