Christmas — AND — New Year 1592 1893 I fTIHE above Festive Season being j at hand, I have anticipated the same by replenishing my stock, which is now the best assorted in the district. I have a grand lot of Fancy Crockery to select from, consisting of, — Tea and Dinner Sets Fancy Cups and Saucers Teapots Cheese stands Tumblers Wine Glasses And a multitude of other lines too numerous to mention. Also,— Cadbury's Chocolate Cremes, in great variety, Prime Southland Hams and Bacon, New Potatoes, — akd— GROCERIES, of the choicest description. W. G. Haybittle, FERGUSSON STREET. THE EEADY MONEY STORE, FEILDING. H. F. JANNINGS DESIRES to notify to the Public and his numerous friends that he is now in full swing with the following and many other lines : — GROCERIES, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, BRUSHWARE, BOOTS & SHOES, From the best Makers. TEAS OF ALL BRANDS. All the above lines will be sold at the Lowest Possible Prices. Families waited on and goods delivered daily. H. F. JANNINGS. NOTICE. THAT on and after January 22nd I shall take over from Mr S. Daw, the Livery and Bait Stables in connection with my Family and Commercial Hotel at Birmingham, and in doing so beg leave to inform all my old patrons, and the travelling public, that I have engaged a thoroughly trustworthy and careful Groom, who will make it his study to giye every satisfaction, so pations may rely on having their horses carefully attended to. i THOMAS LOWES, j Propi ietor. TjIEILDING GOAL DEPOT, Kimbolton Roap. Household Coal Drain Pipes Blacksmith Coal Syphons Charcoal Bends Coke Stench Straps Bone Manure Garden Tyles Bone Meal Flower Pots ! Lime, Cement, Oats, and Oaten Chaff 1 always on band. JOHN DUNLOP. WELLINGTON TO FOXTON. THE s.s. QUEEN OF THE SOUTH, Captain Harvey, will leave Wellington every MONDAY and THURSDAY. Foxton- every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY. F. E. YOUNG, Agent s.s. Napier. FiSmNGIjCENCES ARE now obtainable from the undersigned, and available from 15th Sept., 1892, to 15th April, 1893 1 (both inclusive). Fishing License : One pound ; Lady's or Boy's License: Five shillings. HUGH L. SHERWILL, Hon. Sec. Feilding Branch Wellington Acclimatisation Society. THE MANCHESTER RIFLES WILL hold parades in the Assembly Rooms as follows February— THURSDAY lGth and 23rd, at 7.30 p.m. Orderlies for month : Sergt. Petherick and Corpl. Aitktn. \\ ANTED Known, Allan & Co, V> keep only the best quality of Goods, and their Prices are admitted to be the Lowest in Feildiug.
Page 3 Advertisements Column 6
Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 99, 9 February 1893, Page 3
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