GORTON & BON'S ANNUAL RAM & SHEEP FAIR, BULLS. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14th, 1893. At thbib Sale Yards, Bulls. GORTON & SON will sell by public auction, as above, — 200 2-tooth Lincoln rams, bred by • Messrs Robfc "Wilson, R B Pearce, Duncan Blair, W Morrison, A 1 Bushly, the late Mr W T Watt (of Lillybank), and the executors Richard's Estate. 3000 well-bred 2-tooth Lincoln ewes, in lots to suit purchasers 2000 lambs 500 8- tooth ewes 300 Romney Marah breeding ewes (from Mrs Willis, Woodendean) 400 shorn wether lambs 200 breeding ewes 1000 shorn lunibs 800 store wethers 260 fat and forward wethers 212 2-tooth ewes 200 breeding ewes 200 woolly In tubs 50 fat ewes 40 pure-bred Lincoln ewes, 6 to 8-th. 18 pure-bred Lincoln ewe lambs 17 pure-bred Lincoln ram lambs 200 woolly lambs 150 breeding ewes 250 mixed woolly lambs 200 ewes 300 woolly lambs 100 woolly Jambs 50 breeding ewes 500 first-class mixed shorn Lincoln lambs 500 first-class mixed shorn Lincoln - Romney lambs 200 prime fat ewes 100 breeding ewes 150 shorn wether lambs 150 lambs 100 ewes 100 2-tooth wethers 800 2-tooth forward wethers 500 prime fat sheep Sale at 12 o'clock noon, Commencing with the rams CAMPBELLTOWN SALE YARDS. FRIDAY, 17th FEBRUARY. GORTON AND SON will sell by public auction, as above, — 80 mixed woaners 12 18-tnonths quiet heifers 31 mixed weaners 4 springing heifers 8 heifers in calf 28 mixed weaners 5 dairy cows lbull 1000 mixed woolly lambs 500 2-tooth to f.m. ewes 500 fat and forward ewes 500 shorn mixed lambs 350 shorn lambs 300 fat ewes 300 breeding ewes 300 shorn lambs 200 breeding ewes 180 mixed woolly lambs 150 shorn fat lambs 100 2-tooth ewes 80 breeding ewes 70 fat ewes 60 shorn lambs 40 breeding ewes 12 4-tooth Lincoln rams Also, on account of the estate of the late Mr F. Rich — Sections 146 and 152, Campbelltown, containing } acre each Sale at 1 o'clock sharp. IMPORTANT SALE OF VALUABLE TOWN LANDS — IN THE — RISING TOWNSHIP OF FEILDING, In the Provincial District ok Wellington. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, 1893. AT THE AUCTION ROOMS OF GORTON & SON, FEILDING. GORTON & SON, in conjunction with F. R. JACKSON k CO., have been favoured with instructions from the Directors of the Colonists Land and Loan Corporation (Limited) to sell by public auction, as above, — 108 Town Allotments in the thriving township of Feilding, comprising, without doubt, the most valuable Business Sites, being those portions of vacant land situated in the centre of the township hitherto reserved from sale. Terzns most liberal, viz. : 10 per cent on the fall of the hammer; 10 per cent at three months ; balance can remain on mortgage for o years at 6 per cent interest. Lithograph Plans will shortly be issued, and full particulars can be obtained on application to COLONISTS' LAND AND LOAN CO.'S OFFICE, FEILDING. MESSRS LEVIN & CO., WELLINGTON, And the Auctioneers. Sale at 1 o'clock. GORTON ct SON, Auctioneers, Bulls and Feilding. FREEMAN 11. JACKSON, Auctioneers, Wanganui. Note. — The auctioneers feel sure that a great future is before the township of Feilding, which has such a large area of settled country around it, and their opinion is supported from the fact that now, in comparison with its population, it does a much larger railway business than any other town on the Coast. Up to the present time it has sent 700 more bales of wool away than last year, besides showing large increases in all other classes of merchandize. FREEMAN R. JACKSON & CO.'S STOCK SALES for FEB., 1893. Waxganui Ram Faiu, Wednesday, 8 „ „ Thursday, 9 „ Friday, 10 Waverloy . . . . Monday, 13 Johnsonville .. .. Wednesday, 15 Wanganui Ewe Fair, Weduesday, 22 Waver ley . . . Monday, 27 Wanganui, Wa?er)j, Johnsonville, Askurst, and Otaki. Agents for Owen's New Zealand Patent Sheep Dip. F. R. JACKSON & CO., Auctioneers. GORTON AND SON'S STOCK SALES fok FEBRUARY, 1892. Bulls Ram and Sheep Fair Tuesday, 14 CainpboUtowu, ... Friday, 17 ] Feilding Ram uud Sheep Fair, . . Friday, 24 Martou, . . • . Tuesday, 30
Page 3 Advertisements Column 3
Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 99, 9 February 1893, Page 3
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