Advertisements THE^OLYTON CHRISTY MINSTRELS WILL give an entfirtainment in the Hall, Colyton, on FRIDAY, February 24, at 8 p.m. Ad- ; mission : Adults, Is ; Children, 6d. j [A limited number of chairs reserved at 2s.] Tickets to be obtained at the Colyton Store. A DANCE will follow the Entertainment. Gents' Double Ticket, 4s. : light refreshments will be provided. JOHNSON^ J THE COLONIAL BANK OF NEW ZEALAND. A BRANCH of the above Bank has this day been opened in Feilding, in temporary premises, in Greenwood and Hooper's Building, Kimbolton Road, Mr A. C. Matheson in charge. H. MACKENZIE, General Manager. Feilding, February 7th, 1893. TENDERS. fTIENDERS will be received up till 4 J- p.m. on SATURDAY, the 11th instant, for cutting 30 cords, and upwards, of Firewood (matai) in four and two feet lengths. T. SMITH, Camden Street, Feilding. ; T7IEILDING JOCKEY CLCB. AUTUMN MEETING. iiIASTSB MONPAT AND"TcBSDAT, Apbil, 3bd & 4th. Stewards— Messrs J. Saunders, C. H. Burnett, W. A. Sandilands, J. C. Morey, W. A. Bailej, 11. Lance, E. Jacicmao. Hon Treasurer —E. J. Allen. Clerk of Scales— W G. Hay- ' bittle. Clerk of Course— W. Bellve. Handicapper— J. E. Henry. Starter — E. Wood.
Page 3 Advertisements Column 1
Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 99, 9 February 1893, Page 3
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