FREDERICK POPE, BU.ILDEE & UNDERTAKER Bowen Street, Feilding. Building Contractor, and General Carpenter. All work guaranteed. Prices mod crate. Building material, glass, putty, &c. supplied. funerals completely furnished. FREDERICK POPE. H. HICKFOED, " GROCER, CONFECTIONEK, AND FRUIT I-.BEK. Jbeilding Chambers, Manchester Street, FEILDING. HH. begs to notify to the public . of Feilding that he has conimeuced business as above, and has now in stock a well-selected supply of Groceries, new season Teas, &c , &c, ; Ladies',, Gentlemen's. an,d Children's Boots and Shoes (all sizes), made to his own order, specially for the requirements of thi3 district ; China and Crockery ware, Broom and Brush ware, Alarm Clocks. Cigars, Pipes, and Tobacco. Prices moderate and terms cash. MISS E. B. SCOTT BEGS to inform the ladies bi : Feilding, and district, that, she is still carrying on the Dressmaking business in the premises formerly obcupied by Miss Stewart, and they niiy rely, upon all orders being executed to their complete satisfaction, «ts hitherto. i KIMBOLTON ROAD BRICK- [ WORKS. j DAVID BLACK, Proprietor. ! BRICKS of every description add of first-class quality, whidh cannot be equalled in the colon^, always on hand. \ For prices and all particulars apply at the works. " THE LITTLE BOOT SHOP,!' FiJROUSSON bTREET. A LARGE Consignment of Boots and Shoes just received. A big variety of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Uanvas Boots and Shoes to select irom. KEEN BROS., Propne:ors. JAMES FRASER, PLUMBER AND TINSMITH Manchester Srriset. (Opposite the Denbigh Hote 1 .) TANKS supplied, and spouting fixed at prit es to suit the times COPPER BOILERS And Tinware of every description at the lowest possible prices. Wood and Iron Turning, and all sorts of jobbing done on the shortest notice. Maker of the Excelsior Fire Blower — no Household should be without. Excelsior Blower for sulphuring blighted Vines or Trees. Estimates given for all kinds of plumbing work. JAMES FHASER. S^TT^EONARD'S NUKSERY, QUEExYS STREET, FKILDING. HWORSFOLD desires to inform . his friends, and the public generally, that he is prepared to supply, at lowest rates, — -Pot Plants, ' Zonal and Ivyleaf Pelargoniums, Ac. i Chrysanthemums — Upwards of 100 ' of the latest and best varieties, in- < eluding Japanese, incurved, and reflexed. 1 ! Also, in November — Choice An- \ nuals, Asters, Stocks, Phlox Drummondii. Zinnias, &c. Bouquets, made to order. ( Inspection invited. HENRY WORSFOLD. J
Page 1 Advertisements Column 5
Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 99, 9 February 1893, Page 1
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