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MANCHESTER STORE, MAKINO. | F. J. MANSELL, UNIVERSAL PROVIDER, i > Is imu !...!dii,g a GREAT CLEARING SALE of the whole of the Stock, I OF NEW SEASON'S GOODS, consisting of i ;>.\iM-:ia', clothing, boots & shoes, groceries. IRONMONGERY, &c. Also, : ':• ..Vr Twine, Fencing Wire ( and black). Saddler}', Crockery, lie.,', -i and Raw Castor and Machine Oils, Lamp Black and r-heep Dip.--. Ciisfon,' -s may rely upon getting Great Bargains, as the stocks will be .il kept up. Goods delivered promptly on receipt of orders. N.B.— Agent for James Laird's GARDEN SEEDS. "WILLIAM BELLYE, SADDLER AND HARNESS MAKER, Bl'.' ; - .<_> thank the public for their esteemed patronage to him in the I ; and hopes, by good workmanship and civility, to still retain the custom :.,:t lias hitherto been granted him. W.l}. To invites inspection to his new stock ot Ladies' and Gents' Saddles (i'.iighsh and Colonial) Bridles, Whips, Spurs, Bits, etc., etc. Ellim:iii'> U os nl Embrocation always on hand. < Frank Miller's Harness Dressing, Pelt Saddle Cloths cut to any size and shape. Harness of any description made on the shortest notice. Repairs neatly, cheaply, and promptly executed. Liberal discount for Cash. Raw Horse«hair bought in any quantities. i £3" Note the Address — NKXT KMPIRE HOTEL, FERGUSSON STREET. FEILDING. r7"r7~c^ollins, "" SADDLER, KIMBOLTON KOAD, FEILDING. MY l:i^t Fnglish importation, per s.s. lonic, consists of 14 cases of genii. 1 .! goods, which have opened up most satisfactorily. I have now a still l;u ,mi stock, including I nglish and Colonial-made Harness, and English i and C<>l i'i;\l Saddles, &c. I I h.ivc a splendid assortment of Bridles in Snaffles, Pelharas, and Weymouths, with solid uickle-silver Bits, or Crown all metal Bits, which are being so favorably epoken of as equal in brilliancy to the best plating, and as hard and durable as fine steel. The public will find it to their advantage to inspect my stock, vhich is the largest and best selected of any between here and Wellington. All repairs done with the best material, and work turned out guaranteed to give satisfaction. R. R. COLLINS, Practical Saddler & Harness Maker, (opposite Hastie's Hotel) • . KiMHOLToy Road. Feilding. I VSAGHT'S ORB BRAND GALVANISED CORRUGATED IRON. I. ysauht's #ORB BRAND is the BEST Iron made ORB BRAND is the CHEAPEST Iron made OKB BRAND is the LIGHTEST Tron made ORri BRAND has three times the sale of any other Iron ORB BRAND is the only FIRST-CLASS Iron I Galvanisi:i> Tinned. SOLD IN NEW ZEALAND. ON SALE BY ALL IRONMONGERS AND MERCHANTS, REID AND GRAY, Sole agents for New Zealand for the Mercer "Non-canvas" Binder, W hat farmers have long wished ior, now ready for inspection, which is cordially invited. Sample machines on view at all our branches. Specially adapted ior heavy and tangled crops The principal feature of the Mercer is the doing away with the troublesome and expensive canvases, which have 3 been replaced by such simple and durable devices that must place the Mercer without an equal in the field. Send for prices and Testimonials. Acknowledged by all users as the most efficient and durable binder yet introduced. Duplicate fittings always easily obtainable. Order early to prevent disappointment. i Binding Twine (all kinds) at lowest prices. Lubricating Oils (all sorts), back-delivery Reapers (at reduced prices). Double-furrow Ploughs ; also their CHILLED DIGGING PLOUGHS. ChafFcutters aud Baggers, plain and barbed Fencing Wire, Iron Fencing Standards, steel Zigzag Harrows, Cambridge Rollers, Disc Harrows, Turnip • and Manure Drills. Broadcast Seedsowors, Dray», Horse Gears, Wire Stainers, Dit-c Harrows, etc. Several second-hand Thrashing Mills for sale (in good order i. New illustrated programme free on application. THE MANAWATU TIMBER ' ~\T EW stock r~NEw"Trbck i TOMPANY -^ — AT — K KILDIN6. h • -BKAI k, „,„,. , 11 , o r P . TOBACCONIST. FEILDING. HpHE above will supply Sawn Tim1 her at the following prices :— PipeSt Cigar Holders, Cigarper 100 feet ette Holders, Pouches, from a At Mills Feildinpr shilling each. [ Ordinary Building... 7/0 8/- 18 Different Brands of the Best White Pine 7/- 7/6 Cigar«, viz. : Manillas, No. 1 Totara ••• ... 13/- 18/G and 2, Queen's brand, 1 and Matai 8/6 9/- 2, Bernisa, Punch, Concha, Dressed Timber 2/- extra. Colorado, Gd and Is. The only MOULDINGS & ARCHITRAVES place in Feilding where you always m stock. can get a shilling cigar of best All letters or communications to quality and the real genuine the undersigned will receive the Henry Clay cigar, etc ; these promptest attention. are no fraud. Best Brands of Cigarettes. — Old H. C-OBNFOOT, Judge, Three Castles, Firefly, Manager Manowatu Timber Company Cameo, Purity, &c, &c. Keildinu. 20 Different Brands Tobacco, ••— ~ m"~T-iT t p — nri~ VlZ<l •'""no, Diadem, Ruby : F. \\. COJIKUjLiLj & CU., Twist, Ruby rough cut, Unique, Queen's Chambers, Grey Street, Derby. Mazeppa, JNailrod, etc. Wellington. T j3 rfty . s rou cut mix t ure GBNKIML CABBIKIW^Kr POBWABDING _^ CcsTOMHoi-se anu K> Shippino Aoents. Perfumery.-A large stock of Old EnfiLUMUJiuuLsc a. v lisli lavender, jockey club, white LOU HI i S and Vans always ready for rost ., fruncipan'i, rondeletiii, ste* eii«:iH'.'Uient. Furniture removed pbauitis. etc. with can- i'Y t-xpenenced men. Storage — ~ "~~- — in Uriek W.-. rehouse for ilcneral Goods, WATSON BEOS. S Furrnuue, and Passengers' Lu Rt 'a K e. f) AINT ER S AND HOUSE JOHN 11. HEATON & MILLER J_ DECOHATOKS, Near the Railway Station, >bn;p]iig, ('ommission, Custom FEILDING. Hoiuo -md Forwarding 'Agents, Panama Street, Estimates given. ' WELLING T O 2s Trices to auit the times.
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Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 99, 9 February 1893, Page 1
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888Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 99, 9 February 1893, Page 1
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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 99, 9 February 1893, Page 1
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To the best of the National Library of New Zealand’s knowledge, under New Zealand law, there is no copyright in this item in New Zealand.
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