TAILOHING. A. Williamson. TAILOK, MANCHESTER STREET (Oppos\te the Denbigh Hotel), Has in Stock BEST of ENGLISH & COLONIAL GOODS AND WORSTED COATINGS, For the Autumn and Winter Seasons, of the Latest Patterns.' As he keeps only the Best of Material, Customers may rely on getting a good article at a moderate price. HENRY DCGGAN; TAILOR AND H iBIT-MAKKB, Manchester Street (Next Mr Svendsen's). IS making most beautifully finished Taiior >uits. Riding Habits, of a superior cut and finish, made by first-class men. A grand btock of West of England, Scotch, and Colonial Tweeds, Worsted Coatings, , Serges, and fancy Tronserings to select from. A perfect fit guaranteed. Ladies' and geutlemen 'swearing apparel cleaned, pressed, and repaired upon the shortest notice. XT£W ZEALAND INSURANCE J3I COMPANY. FIBE AND MARINE. Capital, £1,000,000; paid-up £200,000 Reserve and Re-Insurance fund, £485,000. Agencies in Feilding, Halcombe, Palmerston North, Sandon, and Foxton. NICHOLAS LAWSON, Manager, Lainbton Quay Wellington. WILLIAM CABTHEW, Sub-Agent, Feilding. fpHE PHARMACY, FEILDING J. M. IIIGGIN, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST. P*E6CBIPTJONS ACCURATELY PrEPAHEI; Patent & Proprietory Medicines. j Trusses, Sponges, and Perfumery. HOBSES & CATTLE MEDICINES SUNDAY ATTENDANCE— Morning — From 10 to half past. Eyening — From 8 to half past. Teeth Carefully Extracted. * In urgent cases, after business hours, Medicines may be obtained from Mr Day, at hia private residence in Denbigh street P~H(KMX ASSURANCE COMPANY, OF LONDON. [Established 1782.] Risks taken at Lowest Current Rates. HUGH L. SHERWILL, Dibtrict Manager, Offices— Kimbolton Road, Feilding, and Hankins' Buildings, The Square, Palmerston North. 15. ELLERY GILBERT, PIANO, ORGAN, & HARMONIUM Tumbb, Rbpaibbb & Renovatob, WANGANUI, PAYS regular visits to all the j districts between Foxton and Wanganui, including Kiwitea, ' the Manchester Block, Birmingham, &c, and, working entirely on his own account is in a position to make special arrangements with those favouring him with orders. My customers and others are inrited to exercise caution in employing alleged toners who go round the country dis» tricts pretending to tune pianos, but actuallj doing damage to good instruments, \ and in some cases brought under my notice, almost ruining them. Pianoforte Renovating a Specialty. Old Pianos taken in exchange and fall value allowed. Pianos on sale for caeh or on time payments. Feilding Address — W. Cabthew. Bookseller. Established 1878. I H. COLLIER & CO., > PIANO akb ORGAN IMPORTERS, WANGANUI & PALMERSTON, HAVE the largest and best selected stock of any house on this Coast. 7/6 f PIANOS ) 7/6 Weekly [ *"BOSi j Weekly. H.C. and Co. import direct from the leading English and Continental Fac. - tories, and guarantee to supply a thor- • oaghlj reliable instrument, Don't be ■ tempted to buy a Piano from your grocer J or furniture dealer, but take advantage j of 26 years practical experience as legitimate Pianoforte Dealers and Tuners. | TANNERY^ FELLMONGEEY ; ( Hokowhitu. Awahuri. i W. MACMILLAN, [ TANNER AND FELLMONGEH, f PALMERSTON NORTH. ] CASH buyer of Wool, j Skins, Hides, and ] Tallow. Highest market ] price paid on delivery at Yards or Palmerston railway station. Office: Next Valentine's Club Hotel Church Street. " "tTT ANTED Known, New Books and YY new supplies, ex mail steamers Tongariro and Amwa, at Wm. PnrkV Book Depot :— Complete supply of Pitman's books, including Phono. Diction. ary, Hamlet, Pilgrim's Progress Mer* ] chant of Venice, etc ; Moina, by Lynch, J Is 3d ; Wanted, by Donovan, 2s 6d ; ti Kinesley's in yd edition ; The English v Struw well peter, 3s; i'upil Teacher's Text o Books, inoluding King John, Is 3d ; k King Henrj VI, Is 3d ; Nut Goulds V Double Event ; The Wrecker, by 11 L. G Btcvcnson and^ Lloyd Osborne, 7s 6d ; n Tlic Ladies' L/rcssinc lioom, by Lad} n £olin Campbell, Is Gd ; stock of Kip- C ling'i works, iv Is 3d edition. ti
Page 1 Advertisements Column 1
Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 99, 9 February 1893, Page 1
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