GREAT G-LEAIIING- SALE NOW ON AT THE COOP. i. REDUCTIONS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. LOOK OUT FOR THE PRICE-LIST IN A FEW DAYS. J. C. THOMPSON, Manager. GREAT DRAPERY SALE TO-DAY. STARTLING REDUCTIONS. F. GABITES, IMPORTER OF DRAPERY, FEILDINQ. "dissolution sale. THE linn now trading under the name of ".I. C. MOIIEY & CO" will shortly be dissolved, it is therefore mnrssary thnt th«> ;t nek should be greatly reduced to facilitate the squaring up of partnership accounts. With that ever in view, the present firm will hold a CLEARING SALE for three weeks, when Every Article in the Establishment will be REDUCED TO THE VERY LOWEST. Buyers will find this the best chance they have had in F«ildiiijr for laying in a stock AT LESS THAN ORDINARY SALE PRICES. It is particularly requested that all accounts owing to the firm be paid on or before the 10th February ; and all accounts against the firm must be rendered on that date for payment. J. C. MOREY & CO. 3 COBBE & DARRAGH., s g Importers, « Having determined to clear out the balame of their stock of Summer Drapery, Clothing, and Boots, previous to stocktaking, will hold a cheap Cash Sale, commencing on Monday, January 9th. When they will sell for CASH ONLY, some of the greatest bargains ever ottered in Feilding. Including— Boys' suits from 4/9 each Men's tweed suit 3 from lfi/6 Men's Tweed Trousers from 4/11 per pun- Men's bluck worsted coats, 15/Floorcloth, 6ft wide, at 1/11 Carpetmgs from 10H Fancy dresses at 2/11, 4/11, 6/11 the dress Good flannelettes at 3/11 it 4/11 the doz White Quilts, 3/11 and 4/11 each ,' Giiluteas, 3/11 and 5/6 par doz New dust cloaks reduced to 13/9 " Klise" kid "loves reduced to 2/11 pair Underclothing 5/- in £ off marked prices All our straw hats at 1/- and 2/Fashionable blouses, 3/6 Umbrellas 2/6, special value at 3/9 Calicos all reduced, 2/4, 2/11, 3/6 doz lloav.y corduroy, 1/9 Heayy blue striped drill, 7id Tickings from 4}d SEE PRICES MARKED IN WINDOW & AT DOOR. COBBE & DARRAGH. Extraordinary Sale of Stock --AT — THE RED HOUSE, FEILDING. WM. GRUAR & CO., HAVING now completed stock-taking, are determined to clear out the whole stock at prices hitherto uuknowu iv Foildiug. Fully 50 percent saved by making your purchases of DRAPERY, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, FANCY GOODS AT THE EEIJ HOUSE. THE MILLINERY DEPARTMENT is fully stocked and prices very low. Just to hand, ex ss. Mamari, from London, three cases Linohum.s— all marked at prices to clear. In GROCERIES for the Christmas trade, we are fully stocked with ne*v fruits and till the delicacies of the season at lowest prices. A choice assortment of Cadbury's chocolate creams, in fancy boxes, just received. Call and see them. WE GRUAR & CO., Red House, Feilding. |71 LA KCOMB ,Im H E HIGH SCJIOO L, Civil Enoinekr, Architect &c, PALMERSTON NORTH. Law Chambers, The Square, K. WTLSON, M.A. , XT i Tim next term will begin on Tuesday, Palmerston North. i JullUlll . y ;ilst . A few vac-nicies for Boardei\s. Architect to the Manawatu Pennun- j A too | inic!ll cJftSS 1);ls now bpcn ent Building and Investment Society, i ft)l . JiMnli llll( i er tiie c i iarge of Mr c . v._u ._ I G. C, HILL, C.E., i viI J«/ , , . . ■r. «w».-Tcc.mxT *r.i^T-n lor terms and particulars apply to X AND AND COMMISSION AGLNT \vjl S q N> -L J T | The High ' School. Airrmf fnr thn lmDenal Firo liisuruiico i — Agent tor tne impena^ i. , PIANOFORTE TEACHING. FOR SALE— Numerous Properties, in- ' | IvSSONS for beginners ou the cludinsr several Dwelling-houses and ! |^ j p iano f ol . fee given by a FgM . Cottages m Feildwg, on vory easy ..^ |ady modemtOt Apply MONEY S to l Je ud in suuiß of £100 and I 1 " >liss Cutti^ M«in..-hester .Street, or ' upward.. NlAliUlll - c -
Page 3 Advertisements Column 5
Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 98, 7 February 1893, Page 3
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