\ SSEMBLY ROOMS, FEILDING. MRS A. M. LONGSHORE-POTTS, M.D., America's Leading Woman Physician Graduate of the Woman's Medical College of Philadelphia, Will Lecture on HEALTH AND DISEASE TO WOMEN ONLY as follows : — Fkhkuaky 6th, 9th, 10th, and 11th, at 3 o'clock. FIRST LECTURE FREE. Course Tickets: 3 lectures, 2s; single admission, Is. All lectures illustrated with Stereopticon Views, not only of subjects discussed, but also of art and travel. FRIDAY NIGHT, FEB. 10th, at 8, Famous Lecture on " HEARTS AND HOMES," Ok, "Is Makbiage a Failure?" "As good as an hour with Mark Twain."— Boston Herald. "Moral, Instructive, and very Amusing." — London Truth. Prices : 1/- and 2/-. Mrs Dr Potts treats Women and Children Only. Residence: Hastie's Hotel, Feildine. Hours: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m Consultation free. Remain until February 12 only. ASSEMBLY ROOMS. JC'HAS. HARRISON, M.D., . The Distinguished Physician axd Traveller, Graduate of two leading Universities in the United States, Will lecture to MEN ONLY —ON — WEDNESDAY NIGHT, FEB. 8; at 8. Admission : 1/-. Both Lectures illustrated with beauti ful Stereopticon Views of art and travel, as well of subjects discussed. Upwards of 200 views at each Lecture. Positively the most beautiful views in the world. Dr Harrison treats Men Only. Residence : Hastie's Hotel, Feilding. Hours : 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., and 7 to 10 p.m. Consultation free. Remain until February 12 only. RANGITIKEI LIBERAL ASSOCIATION. THE Officers of the Association will attend at the undermentioned places, on the dates named, for the purpose of enrolling Members and forming Branches in connection therewith : — Feilding Assembly Rooms, Saturday, February 4th, at 7.30 p.m. Bulls Town Hall, Wednesday, February Bth, at 7.30 Hunterville, Argyle Hall, Friday, 10th, at 7.30 Ohingaiti, Mr Meehan's House, Saturday, 11th, at 7.30 Birmingham Town Hall, Friday, 1 7th, at 7.30 Beaconstield School House, Saturday, 18th, at 7.30 HY. SNELGROVE, Secretary. THE GREAT CENTRAL ANNUAL RAM FAIR. St. Hill Street Sale Yards, WANGANUI. WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, AND FRIDAY, FEB. Bth, 9th, and 10th. 171REEMAN It. JACKSON AND CO. _ will sell by public auction as above, and on account of the following wellknown breeders. Mesßrß R. Wilson, E 11. Honeyfield, J. Ross, lon Bros., Walker Bros.. O. Hawes, W. H. Wybourne, J. D. Hughes, R. B. Hamilton, W. C. Symes, J. MeNicol, W. Wilson, D. Fleming, J- Raynor, J. Macara, E. J. Riddiford, D. McGregor, H. Overton, C. W. lieid, J. Shield, K. Bremer, J. W. Baker, T. Bryce, H. N. Harrison, Mrs Watt (of Lillybank), R. Hair, J. B. Sutton, F. Sutton, James Holmes, E. P. Symee, A. Allison, Jeffer • son Bros., G. Mitchell, D. Blair, S. H. Gollan, and W. Pearce. 1605 2-tooth purebred Lincoln rams 12 stud Lincoln rams (bred by John Raynor, Wairarapa) 10 stud Lincoln rams, bred by J. B. Sutton 3 stud Lincoln rams (bred by James Macara, Wairarapa) 40 Romney ram lambs (bred by Duncan McGregor, Wairarapa) 5 purebred Lincoln rams (bred by Mr Overton, Canterbury) 50 2-tooth Shropshire rams 10 2-tooth Lincoln-Menno rams (bred by T. Thatcher 5 pure-bred Romney rams (bred by C. W. Reid, Elderslie) 15 Btud Lincoln (bred by F. Sutton) 8 stud Lincolns (bred by James Holmes) 1763 . The above magnificent collection of Rams are well worthy of the attention of flockowners of this district. The Rams will be sold singly in the sale ring, thereby giving everyone the opportunity of careful selection. Sale each day at 11.15 sharp. The Wanganui Ewe Fair will held on Wednesday, February 22nd. F. K. JACKSON & CO., Auctioneers SLAUGHTER LICENSE. NOTICE is hereby given that I intend, at the next meeting of the Pohangina Road Board, to apply for a License to Slaughter great and small Cuttle on my section No. .">, Block XI, Apiti, Feildiug Small Farm Block. JOHN GOULD, Jujfii.