IMPORTANT INTIMATION — FROM — KIRKCALDIE & STAINS SPECIAL ct EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN LOTS VOn THK KIKST WKKKS OF THEIR SEMI-ANNU ,\ L BALE. Sweeping Reductions in. Dress Pabrics. Ovitt givat Wpeciitl Line of One Thousand Five JJuxdhki> DRE.SS LENGTHS, Reduced from "25 to 50 per cent. Prints, Zephyrs, and Washing Materials, at greatly reduced prices Zephyrs at 1 (i reduced to 12d, 1/4 -A to lO^d, 11 to 7JJ, etc. High-class French Trimmed Milling Bonnets, all at exactly half prices High-class French Trimmed Hats, ail at exactly half prices All Untriunnod Goods at reduced prices All light cloth Jackets fit 25 per cenl discount All light cloth Capes at 20 per cenl discount All Silk, Grenadine, Net, and Lacf DulniAus at 20 per cent discount All Dust, Imperial, and Macintost Cloaks at 20 per cent discount All Silk, Grenadine, Lace Capes black and Navy Jackets, Tea auc Dressing Gowns, Tea Jackets, Gari baldis, Jersoys, etc, all at 10 pei cent discount In other Departments reductions of t very tangible character have been made, of which space will not alloy us to particularise. N.B.— Duriug this sale the usua Bonus Terms will be suspended. KIRKCALDIE & STAINS, Importers and Manufactchers, WELLINGTON. JU ST AEEIYED AT THK N.Z.C.F. UUI! FIRST SHIPMENT OF SPRING GOODS. i-'oi: koi; Mkn's Tui kd Mkn's Suits U ndkri'lotiiixc the X.Z.C.JF. £ the X.Z .C.F. For 1 Joys' H , ' ; *-i ■ Panama Straw 1 weed Suits --*, tlu- X./-.C.F. , HatS - ! the N.Z.C.F. 1 '° 1 ' - j For Hats Youths Tweed = ,of anj sl)ape Sluls 9 ■ the N.Z.C.F. /heX.Z.C.F. $ , j 1" or j l""i" 71 Ties, Scarfs, C'lotuixii -< Braces, j of every desi/rip-, Belts, Travelling ;iii!i ' Requisites, the S.A.C.V. * ! etc., b '■ the N.Z.C.F. IiU 1 W , £ ' For the ueiu>nd Woman's kuikni Satisfaction ; price 2/the N.Z.C.F. the N.Z.C.F. MANCHESTER STREET, FEILDING. VISITORS TO WELLINGTON snovLD vjsjt tjij; ART FURNITURE WAREHOUSE Manner* Sthekt, Wellington. IHAV.K the most uniijiie stock ol Household Furniture and Furnishings in the Southern Hemisphere. Th( public can rest assured that whateyei they purchase from my Warehouse wil give universal satisfaction. My stock ol Furniture is most complete in every re< j sped, tin refore the buying public car | rely on being well served, with the verj best articles, manufactured at our owr Warehouse by thoroughly competenl workmen. SPECIAL NOTICE. In our Carpet and Linoleum Department will be found the very latest designs, lieiijj; specially selected from the very best manufacturers in the United Kingdom. I have also in slock, in beautiful designs, Curtains in endless variety. Inspection invited. Having secured the services of i thoroughly practical Salesman for th( above Department, patrons can rely or receiving every attention, combined Witt HlibT-CLASS GOODS. V'Mir esteemed orders arc speciallj Mil iel ted by H. FIELDER, THE UNIVERSAL PROVIDER WIIOLIJSALK AND KKTAIL FUHNITUIIK WAUKUOUSU, "MANNERS STREET, WELLINGTON. "LA GRIPPE." \\: YOU HAVE IT, — CALL AND — / iET A IJUTTLE OF MEDI VJ CINE - -FliO.M T. A. GARRATT, M.P.S., PHARMACEUTICAL AND VETERINAlly ('IIKMIST. lily examination) Manchkm'KU Stkket. Fkiliumf. (inn-alt 1 -; Quinine and Steel Wine it tin; l»(!.st Tonic known. It is specially usi't'ul for restoring the strength nncl appetite alter an attack of Lft (liijijir Price, ~ 0 per bottle. Ratliff Bros., LAND, ESTATE, and COMMISSION AGENTS, Kimholton RdAii, FEILDING. Money to Lend iv yunis of ilo and upwards. Age.ntH for the National Firo and Marino Insurance Company. Agents for T. H. James, architect, Paliners'on North. KciiLs and debts collected jA card. | Dh. J. SORLEY, M.8., CM., 'Eonneil.v Surgeon Wiinganui Hospital] f T AS ciiiuiuonced the practice u(' hit 1 I IV ilossion in FEILDING, uud can bo tiJii.-nlU'd at his residence, Manelnji-tt-r Btreut.
Page 2 Advertisements Column 2
Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 98, 7 February 1893, Page 2
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