Volunteer Items
The following are the handicaps for the New Zealand Clothing Factory's trophy, to be fired for on Wednesday, Bth February, at ranges 800 and 600 yards, 10 shots at each range: — Sergt. Say well, Corp]. Saywell, Vols. Scott, Stevens, Parker, scratch ; Vols. T. and J. Evans, 8 points; Corpl. Aitkeo, 7 pts ; Sergt. Petherick, 8 pts ; Vols. Robinson, Pleasants, Dough* erty, Burlace, 12 pts ; Sergt. Gould, Vols. Taylor and G. Letbbridge, 20 pts ; Vols. Boyd, Gunderson, Humphrey, McFarlane, Newman, Bleakley, Boddy, Fenwick, Groves, Fisher, Matravers, Weightman, McLeod, Bennett (2), McMurray, Bugler Bellve, and Sergt. Milson, 25 pts. His Worship the Mayor of Palmerston North, (Mr B. Edwards), has received the following letter, dated February 3rd, Lieut. -Colonel Hume, Acting Undersecretary for Defence : — I have the honor by the direction of the Honorable the Defence Minister, to acknowledge his receipt of your letters of 11th and 19th ultimo, pointing out the suitability of Palmerston North for an Easter Encampment, and am to inform you in reply that your suggestion has received favorable consideration from Mr Seddon, but the matter cannot be definitely decided upon until thereport on the defeuces of the Colony is to hand. lam to add that it is hoped this report will be it the Minis* tors hands in a fortnight's time. — Manawatu Times.
Volunteer Items
Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 98, 7 February 1893, Page 2
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