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Tra&NEEBt a^tei^y Youth, to lasrn to do anything re^iUred, and know how to drive. Address, JLßO, BTA*Offie«. Known, • Drawni^room ■ U W» Bbcial7 tf m cbn^t^ ?^h^ illii Primitive Methodist Ghnrch; will b* beld in Short's HaU on WEDNESDAY n«rt, tif7\o'6ht6k.^- :-?.->-:ji'jvl'! : »-j4 '■ M-^^-ijHk-\¥r^Tl^ r^ ; BWdewpitf Mi--W vatefamUy; centml situation; use of piano, bath, and paddock Appiy;^<^;;^ T^:r^;v;j ; m,WANTED Known, that B. Mea,- ! zies has^a splendid "crop of Peache* on" sale j ' 12 pounds and upwards at 5d per lb ; now ripe in any quantity. t ANTED to Sell, a Milch Cow, i in full profit. Apply to Mr - Hedge, Duke Street ;, or, Woolven andjNesbitt, Manchester Street. , * \WT ANTED Known, that Mrs Halyy icy hasrnow opened a new Dining Room in Fergusson' Street, where meals 'can übeu be had at all hours. Ladies can have tea at a few minutes notice. " *' ANTED to Sell, 100 good Lin", coin Lambs. - Apply to E. Jennins, Awahun road* t <•' WANTED Known,— For Sale, t 300 {Ewes and 100 Lambs.— R. R. Curtis, Colyton. ■ , ' . ANTED; KnoWn, Service of pure-bred pedigree Jersey Bull " Milkman " for a feW cows only ; fee 21s.— Fairfield Thompson,' Kimbolton Road. » H '„," TT TANTfiD, Known, I have started W " » Circulating' Library in connection with my business.— J. r S. Milson (next Cobbe and Darragh's). ANTED to Sell, a aecond-band , Buggy and, Harness; nearly new ; a bargain. , Apply Stab Office. WANTED, a Situation as Nursery Governess' by a young \ lady who has just completed nearly [four years' 1 study as 1 Boarder in St. Mary's Select School, Nelson. Country preferred. Apply Box 67, P. 0., Feilding. . , <■ I* WANTED Known, just opened up a grand selection of ladies', gent's, and children's Boots and Shoes, marked off at very low prioes to clear. — Ready Money Store. > o * >. < ANTED Known, Wool Paolo— full sice, loose top; also, beßt 5-ply. Seaming Twine, »t~ Allan & Co.'s, Feilding. f '** V\ r ANTED Known, boiled and W raw Linseed Oil, Lamp Black, Raddle, &c— Allan and Co. ; W" ANTED Known, Bheep Bhears — 8.8.A., N.Z., Burgon and Ball, 11 A., 1 88 A.8.; best quaUty Oil Stones.— Allan ft Co. \\ ANTED Known, Allan ft GoT ▼ * keep only the best quality of Goods,- and their Prices are admitted to be the Lowest in Feilding. WANTED Known, persons requiring any kina of vehicle to write to Rouse and Hurrell, coach builders, Courtney ( Place*' Wellington, for their illustrated catalogues , and price lists, whish will bVposted free to. any address. j'HE marvellous Melbourne I 1 v Boom " completely collapeed resulting in a magnifioent opsor« tunity for buying good's at nominal ! prices for the " Erupted Boom ' Sale beginning on January,'26th inst,, at Te Aro House, Wellington. , I HE marvellous " Boom "in MclI bourne has been a terrible depression and collapse of trade. tiesult-^-an immense pur* chase by James Smith-at a fearful sacrifice for the "Erupted^. Boom" Sale, at Te Aro House, Wellington. rilHB marvellous " Boom " in vanJL iabing paved the way fort the largettt bargains ever known ut> the Colony at the " Erupted Boom" Sale. Te Aro House, Wellington. >^ OOLYTON STOBE. T J SMITH z BEGS to thank the settlers of Colyton and surroundmg district for past favors, and wishes to notify that he has disposed of the above store to the undersigned from January 1, 1893. •■*■• ; l iS ;-^ T. A. SMITH Begs to solicit a continuation of die patronage hitherto accorded his father^ in the above business, and trusts, by strict attention to business, the keeping of good stocks, and civility toeustomers to merit a share of public patronage. NOTICE TO SHEEPFARMEBB. _.■ ■' i- V ft. . THE LONGBUBN BLAUGHTERING ft FREEZING COMPANY HAVE now commenced work, an«l shareholders and farmers having fat ttock to dispose of, or who desire to freeze on their own account, will find it to theif advantage to support the local company, and coinjqiunicate with the buyers, Abraham^and Williams, or with Mr A. McPnerson, Secretary, Longburn. ;y 5 y \ f> ' T D. BUICKi Chairman. LIVERPOOL AND LONDON AND GLOBS INSURANCE COMPANY. Established J188& Investee. Funds... ... £7,621,940 Claims Paid ... .. £20^16^28 Fire Reserve Fund ... £1,850,000 THIS Company offers to ,inaaren the •eoarity of 10 vested funds mmountintt to over seven million pounds sterl* ling, betides thejinlimited liability of a rer* wealthy propnilary. By a Speoiil; Aot of the New. Zetland Legislature, the company 11 in a poii^on to sue or be sued in tnis colony^ '-^ This Company has ever been noted for its promptitude and liberality in settling claims. 1 Lowest oarrent rates for all cUsses of Fire Insurance. LBVINACO.^ AgenUi Wellington. Local Agent— JOHN PRIOR. Bohoitor , JOHN STE WA Rtt . Colyton, '. .,» TIMBER xm WOOL CARTER. Apply, personally, or by letter, to Post Office, Colyton, or at hiii dence, Ashunt Boad. "'.'/'■;
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Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 97, 4 February 1893, Page 3
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778Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 97, 4 February 1893, Page 3
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Page 3 Advertisements Column 7 Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 97, 4 February 1893, Page 3
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