Messrs Woolven and Nosbott advortiso for sale a milch cow iv full profit. A steadj* v^uth is wauted by au advertiser. A now advortisomont, announcing a cleariug sale, will uppear in our next issue from tho Co-op. A notice in connection with tho dog tax payable in tho Borough appears today from tho Town Clork, Mr G. C. Hill. Mra Halley has opened a 210W diuiug room iv Forgusson street and has a notice there anont in our wauted column. Mr Menzies has a splendid lot of peaches on sale See our wanted column. Several additions are made to-day to the list of entries for the Feildiug and Palmerston stock sales of tho United Farmers' Alliance. Monta<>uc"s Grand Art Union, to be drawn on March 17th. Tickets to be obtained at the Feilding Auction Marl, 2, (5 each. — A dvt. Messrs Greenwood ami Hooper. Dentists, having now completed their new and commodious offices in Kimbolton Road, will visit Fei Id ins every Tucksdav and FuiDAY. Wo refer our readers to the advertisement of the firm, which appears over leader — Ai>vt. A genuine clearing -sule has commenced in tho Cash Exchange C<>»op. The < buyers will find it to their advantagp to chII and noto tho prices. A price list will be issued in a few days It is detoriniued to clear out tho present . stock in all departments us soou as possible : — Advi.
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Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 97, 4 February 1893, Page 2
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Page 2 Advertisements Column 4
Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 97, 4 February 1893, Page 2
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