»,,%yyy tj^ CfIBAPEST" AiO^EY IN THE | MARKET MONEY TO LEND AT 6£ to 7 PERCENT. THE Colonist's Land and Loan Corporation (Limited) have reBUrned making advances in large or small sums, on Mortgage on Rural Lands withiu the Eangitikei, Oroua, and Manawatu Counties, for periods i extending to seven years at the option of the borvower. Interest: 6£ to 7 per cen per annum. No COMMISSION CHARGED TO BOX BOWERS. Sundry town and country sections FOE SALE. Apply direct to the Ageut at Feilding. Feilding:, August 6th, 1892. [a card.] DR. JOHNSTON, Kijibolton Road, HAVING removed to his new residence, may be consulted daily between the hours of — * 10 to 11 a.m. 1 to 2 p.m. and 6.30 to 7.80 p.m. ED MU N V GOODBEHEKE Feilding. Commission Agent, Insurance Agent, Land Agent, Loan Agent, House Agent. MONET to Lend on Rural Lands at lowest current rates. Bents and debts collected. Property owners desirous of leasing or selling same are invited to communicate. JUST ARRIVED AT TIIK N.Z.C.F. OUR FIRST SHIPMENT OF SPRING GOODS. FOB KOH Men's Tweed . j Men's Suits ' . (Underclothing the N.Z.C.F. £j ! the N.Z .C.F. 1? T, . 2 F ° r r or Hoys c* m , ' . w Panama Straw Tweed Suits • <J | .. v- r, rt fa i Hats the N.Z.C.F. ' i , , o the N.Z.C.F. For j 5 For Hats Youth's Tweed i g jof any ahape Suifcs ! O ! the N.Z.C.F. the N.Z.C.F. ! 3 j I For For ; S i Ties, Scarfs, Clothing i -sj ; Braces, of every descrip-; 'Belts, Travelling tion ! j*j Requisites, [ the N.Z.C.F. ! I etc., i £ the N.Z.C.F. For &3 , £ 1 For the Ueneral | Woman's friend Satisfaction, price 2/the N.Z.C.F. I i the N.Z.C.F. MANCHESTER STREET, FEILDING. VISITORS TO WELLINGTON snon.D visit tiie AET FURNITURE WAREHOUSE, Manners Stbket, Wellington. I HAVE the most unique stock of Household Furniture and Furnishings in the Southern Hemisphere. Th«public can rest assured that whatever they purchase from my Warehouse will ilire universal satisfaction. My stock of Furniture is most complete in every respect, therefore the bayinc public can rely on being well served, with the very best articles, manufactured at our own Warehouse by thoroughly competent workmen. SPECIAL NOTICE. In our Cur pet and Linoleum Department will be found the very latest designs, being specially selected from the very best manufacturers in the United Kingdom . I bave also in stock, in beautiful designs, Curtains in endless variety. Inspection invited. Havinu secured the services of a thoroughly practical Salesman for the abo re .Department, patrons can rely on receiving every attention, combined with PI RBT- CLASS GOODS. Your esteemed orders are specially solicited by H. FIELDER. THE UNIVERSAL PROVIDER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FCBNITUItE WAREHOUSE, manners street, wellington. 4LA GRIPPE." IF YOU HAVE IT, — CALL AND — GET A BOTTLE OF MEDICINE — FROM T. A. GARRATT, M.P.S., PHARMACEUTICAL AND VETERINARY CHEMIST, (By examination). Manchestek Street. Feildinu. GaiTutt'rf Quinine and Steel Wine is the best Tonic known. It is specially useful for restoring the strength and appetite after an attack of La Grij;/j<: Price, 2/6 per bottle. Ratliff Bros.. LAND, ESTATE, and COMMISSON AGENTS, Kimholton Road, FEILDING. Money to Lend in suni6 of j£s and upwards. Agents for the National Fire and Marine Insurance Company. Agents for T. H. James, architect, Palmerston North. Rents and debts collected | A CARD. I Dr. J. SOELEY, MB., CM., 'Formerly Surgeon Wangfinui Hospital) HAS commenced the practice of his Profession in FEILDING, and can be consulted at his residence, Manchester Street. WANTED KNOWN.— The Job Vv'or done at tho Star Office i« th I'lieajJ^t ujucl h<nt on the Cwet.
Page 2 Advertisements Column 2
Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 97, 4 February 1893, Page 2
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