Palmerston District Hospital Board
The usual monthly meeting of the above was beld on Thursday last. Present— Messsrs G. M. Snelson (chair, man), Park, Taylor, Lethbridge, Bansome and Goodbehere. .M t ;^ ;'• Correspondence was read at follows .-— From Pohaneina Road Board and, Kiwitea Road Board, forwardioc cheques for the amoant dae to the Board! for the : current year. "... ' "' From MrD. Goodbehere,. forwarding a cheque for £170, bein« the "amount realised by the Feilding ladies subserib tions sale of work, eto-y and 'stating there was still a small balance to be forwarded after the accounts had been settled. The same gentleman forwarded a cheque for L 5 3«. beine the amount eolleeteafbV Mr S. Williamson. H ■ ; From Mr Hugh7L. Sherwill, agent Phoenix Fire Insurance Co., applying tor a portion of the insurance on new Hospital. _; T From Feilding Borough Council, applying for refund of £45 is 9d/ ex* pehded in charitable aid for the 'four months ending 31st Dem»mber,Ulß9£. The statement furnished reads as foN lows .—Medical attendance. L9>l lß* ; board and expenses, Ll 17s ; rations supplied, L3l Os 3d ; medicine, L 2 6s 6d. The writer stated that m addition to the above, there was about L1O J due for accounts which were not to hand. ; It the reference to the sum received . from the Feilding ladies. Mr ; Goodbehere staUnl that there was about LlO in hand which would be forwardod as soon as the outstanding accounts were settled. He placed before the Board the statements of receipts and expediture. Mr Park moved that the thanks of the Board be forwarded to the Feilding Ladies' Bazaar Committee for their handsome donation of Ll7O. Seconded by Mr Ransome and carried. On the motion of Mr Goodbehere a vote of thanks was : gassed to Mr S. Williamson for his kindness in collecting L 5 3s towards the funds of the Hospital. Mr Goud behere produced a statement v showing, that the estate of the late Mr F. J. Lee was in debt to the amount of Ll 7s 3d, consequently there would be nothing coming to the Board from the estate. ' '■ : - i - J --'IU On the motion of Mr Lethbridge the sum ot L4OO received as contributions from the various local bodies. i.ii*a allocated to the Hospital account. J. Mr Taylor moved. That all members and Boards be informed that charitable aid patients can be boarded m Palmerston for 10s per week, and in eases 'where more is being paid snch patients be sent to Palmerston. Seconded by Mr Good* behere and carried. i ;•■> The followine accounts were- passed for payment :— Tmgey Bros., LBS ; • A Tanner, L 5 3; Richter, Naanestad <fc Co, L21 14s 7d ;E. Larcomb. LSO ; Wanganui Hospital Board, L 36 18s 6d; Feilding Borough Council, IAS Is 9d ; Mrs Iskirka, Ll 10s ; J. Milier, L 7 12$ sd; W. Rutherfurd, Ll2 10s, I
Palmerston District Hospital Board
Feilding Star, Volume XIV, Issue 97, 4 February 1893, Page 2
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